ONEcard FAQs
This resource will answer your questions about ONEcard use, and terms and conditions. If you don’t see the answer to your question below, feel free to contact us. To stay up to date on all deals, changes and outages, follow us on social media @GeorgianONEcard.
On this page:
ONEcard frequently asked questions (FAQs)
All current registered full- and part-time students are eligible to apply for a ONEcard. Full-time students receive a card as part of their ancillary fees. Part-time students who have not paid the ancillary fee may purchase a card for $10.80.
You need to be registered in classes and provide a piece of government-issued photo ID in order to receive your card.
Please visit our ONEcard home page for instructions and a video guide.
Please visit our ONEcard home page for instructions and video guides. Please be aware that there are separate instructions for students and their supporters.
You can check your balance at any time by logging into your account. Once you are logged in, select ‘Financial’ and ‘Balances’. You can also view your transaction history and track your spending. Here’s a helpful video guide that shows you the steps.
When you add money to your account, it will be processed as a purchase by your credit card provider.
Earn rewards by using your credit card to load money to your ONEcard (if applicable).
You can deactivate your card at any time by logging into your account. Once you are logged in, select ‘Account’ and ‘Activate/Deactivate’. Here’s a helpful video guide that shows you the steps.
Or you can visit the Registrar’s Office at the Barrie, Orillia or Owen Sound campuses. Your replacement card can also be purchased at these locations. Please be aware that a $10.80 fee is charged to replace a card. You will also need to provide a piece of government-issued photo ID for verification purposes.
You can also give us a call at 705.722.5191 during operating hours or email us at ONEcard@georgiancollege.ca. Please do not leave a voicemail message for deactivation requests.
Your ONEcard account balance never expires and will automatically carry over to the next semester. Flex dollars are not refundable while you have a relationship with the college as a student or employee. For full details, please see our terms and conditions below. If you have graduated or withdrawn from Georgian, please email ONEcard@georgiancollege.ca to request a refund form.
Cash withdrawals are not permitted.
To reset your password, please visit the Georgian College Password Manager page.
ONEcard terms and conditions
The ONEcard and the affiliated app are issued to you as a member of the college community under the following terms and conditions of use. Please read all terms, as these constitute legal obligations between you and the college. You must have a legal form of ID (preference for a picture ID) to obtain a ONEcard or use the app. The app is bound by the same cardholder agreement as the physical card.
- ONEcard (ID Card) is non-transferable and used solely by you for the purposes that it was issued.
- ONEcard users are fully responsible for any and all purchases made using their ONEcard – if used by anyone else for any reason, account access may be revoked (this policy ensures the personal security of each account holder).
- ONEcard is issued by and remains the property of Georgian College – it may be cancelled or revoked by the college at any time and plastic cards must be presented or returned to the ONEcard office when requested by Georgian College authorities.
Use of the ONEcard to misrepresent your status or affiliation with the college constitutes fraudulent use of the card. At the College’s discretion, the College may pursue legal action for damages or loss incurred by the College for such misrepresentation.
Use of your ONEcard photo
The picture provided for your ONEcard remains the property of Georgian College and will be displayed on your ONEcard identification and in systems you use as a student. It may also be used on other systems accessed by faculty, staff, security and partners to confirm your identity as a member of the Georgian College community.
Use of the card or app constitutes that you agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement as set forth in this document.
The college recommends using a protective holder to keep your ONEcard from getting damaged or demagnetized. Also:
- Do not bend your card as card readers cannot read bent or cracked ONEcards reliably.
- Do not punch a hole in your card – if the card is rendered inoperable due to a hole punched in the card, the applicable replacement fee will apply for a new card.
If your ONEcard has become demagnetized, you must come in person with the card to the ONEcard office and a new card will be issued free of charge.
- Money added to your ONEcard account is kept in your Flex Dollar balance.
- Money in your Flex Dollar balance is referred to as Flex Dollars.
- ONEcard functions on the principle of a declining balance where purchases made with the card or app will be deducted from your Flex Dollar Account balance.
- Purchase of alcohol, tobacco, prepaid credit/gift cards, postal services, cannabis products and lottery tickets is prohibited.
- Cashback transactions are not permitted.
- Maximum tip amount is 25 per cent.
- Any Flex Dollars remaining in your account at the end of the academic term will automatically roll over to the next term.
- The College is not responsible for any loss, inconvenience or embarrassment to you or to others arising as a result of lack of funds in your account.
If your card or phone containing the affiliated app is lost or stolen, you must deactivate your account to protect your balance using the ‘Deactivate Card’ feature on Georgian’s ONEcard web page or notify the ONEcard office in person or by phone at 705.722.5191 (during regular operating hours).
We do not accept deactivation requests through voice mail. If you are requesting a new or replacement card, you must come in person and provide your student or employee ID number and one piece of valid government issued photo ID i.e., Driver’s Licence, Passport or Canadian Citizenship Card. Until such notification has been received or until your ONEcard has been deactivated, you will be responsible for all transactions on your ONEcard, whether or not such use is authorized by you. A replacement fee will be charged for lost or stolen cards.
When your card is deactivated your Flex Dollar balance is no longer accessible with the card or app.
If your ONEcard has become demagnetized, you must come in person with the card to the ONEcard Office, and a new card will be issued free of charge.
Purchases will be deducted from your Flex Dollar balance in accordance with transactions authorized through the use of your ONEcard, the app or as permitted under these terms. You may use your ONEcard as a debit card, where accepted, provided Flex Dollars are available in your Flex Dollar balance. Under no circumstances may alcohol, tobacco products, cannabis products, prepaid credit/gift cards, postal services or lottery tickets be purchased with your ONEcard. Cash withdrawals are not permitted.
Your Flex Dollars will automatically carry over into the next academic term. Flex Dollars are not refundable while you have a relationship with the college as a student or employee.
If you are no longer enrolled in classes at the college or you are no longer employed by the College, you may choose to continue using your ONEcard Flex Dollars at participating merchants until your account is locked eight months after ending your relationship with the college, or alternatively, request a refund of the balance in your Flex Dollar Account before the one-year inactive account deadline. Please note: If you are no longer a Georgian student and you lose your ONEcard, you are not eligible to replace it unless you are once again enrolled in classes. If you have an outstanding balance owing to the College at the time of the refund request, funds in your Flex Dollar Account will be applied against the balance owing. Should the unfortunate circumstance occur where a student or recent graduate passes away, their survivor(s) may choose to request a refund of their remaining Flex Dollar Account balance, or, they may donate those funds in support of the Georgian Food Locker, as per the death of a student policy.
To request a refund, a ONEcard refund form must be completed and submitted to the ONEcard Office. There is a minimum balance of $10 for refunds. Accounts with less than $10 may spend their remaining funds at any of our participating vendors or donate their funds to the Georgian Foodlocker. Refunds will be issued in the cardholder’s name and sent to the email address in the system of record with the College. Refunds will take up to 20 business days to process. Students requiring an international wire transfer will be emailed with a request for additional paperwork to be completed before the refund is processed. Students who wish to donate their remaining balance to the GCSA Foodlocker can indicate this by checking the corresponding box on the Refund Request Form. You may also request a tax receipt for your donation if it is in excess of twenty dollars.
Your Flex Dollar balance is considered inactive if there is no activity for twelve (12) consecutive months, at which time the account will be deactivated by the College and any balance of funds shall become the property of the College.
In the event there is a network connectivity problem and the terminal is operating in offline mode, card transaction readers may not accept payment. It remains the responsibility of the cardholder to ensure an alternate payment method is available.
All ONEcard Flex Dollar Accounts are in Canadian dollars. Supporters may add funds by Visa or Mastercard from anywhere around the world but deposits will be converted to Canadian dollars before being added to your Flex Dollar balance. Your Flex Dollar balance cannot support foreign currency.
The College may enter into Service Agreements with external merchants who are not associated with the College (“External Merchants”) for the purpose of allowing you to access the services and products of these External Merchants using your ONEcard.
The College does not warrant, guarantee or endorse the products of the External Merchants and you shall not have recourse against the College for any such service or product purchased from or through these External Merchants.
If a product or service purchased from an External Merchant is not satisfactory, you shall contact the External Merchant directly. External Merchants are not permitted to process transactions for unauthorized services and products, such as, but not limited to alcohol, tobacco products, cannabis products, prepaid credit/gift cards, postal services and lottery tickets.
If you have charges on your account which you did not authorize, please contact the ONEcard office for assistance.
You have 30 calendar days from the date of the transaction to dispute a charge to your ONEcard after which the charge will remain. Cardholders are responsible for all charges made to a lost/stolen card up to the time of loss notification to the ONEcard office and deactivation online at the ONEcard website.
Georgian College is compliant with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and endeavours to protect your personal information in accordance with this law. The personal information requested on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 and in accordance with Sections 38(2) and 41(1) of FIPPA. The information provided will not be used for any purposes other than photo ID for internal use and external Georgian partners as part of the ONEcard program; security, media services, athletics, and city transit.
For further information about the information requested on this form or the purpose for which it will be used, please contact ONEcard Officer, Office of the Registrar: 705.722.5191 or ONEcard@georgiancollege.ca; for more information about FIPPA or your privacy, please contact the Access and Privacy Office at 705.722.5189 or AccessPrivacy@georgiancollege.ca.
You can access your account history and print off statements at any time from the ONEcard website or app. This will help you to keep track of all of your purchases and your Flex Dollar balance.
Your account and personal information will be kept strictly confidential between the ONEcard office and Georgian College. Outside parties will not be privileged to any information about you, your account or the purchases you have made unless your express consent is received, or we are asked to comply with a government agency or a court order.
Information requests about the above should be directed to:
ONEcard Officer
Georgian College
One Georgian Dr., Barrie ON
L4M 3X9
The College reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time without notice. Changes to the terms and conditions are posted on the ONEcard website and such changes apply to all cards in circulation and accounts in use at that time and will supersede the terms and conditions in effect at the time the card was acquired.
Georgian College does not guarantee uninterrupted access to the ONEcard Photo Upload System, ONEcard app, ONEcard website for viewing transactions, topping up Flex Dollars or using Flex Dollars as a method of payment. The College cannot be responsible for partner systems, software, hardware or internet outages and accepts no liability for any outages. We reserve the right to suspend use or access to these systems at any time, for any reason. The college will undertake to notify account holders of any planned outages or disruptions of service.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, Georgian College on behalf of its directors, officers, employees, agents, suppliers, licensors and service providers, exclude and disclaim liability for any losses and expenses of any nature including, without limitation, and direct, indirect, general, special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages, loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a virus, loss of damage to property, claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind or character, even if we have been advised of possibilities of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use. This limitation of liability, applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort (including negligence) strict liability or any other basis.
All Georgian employees who have completed a course(s) during the past (one) academic year will receive email cash top up notifications to their student email account.
Contact us

Registrar’s Office
Student Services Centre
Barrie Campus
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 705.722.5191
Email: ONEcard@georgiancollege.ca