Plan your entire program through to graduation with MyPath!
The Office of the Registrar has launched an enhanced version of the online academic planning tool (MyPath) to improve the student experience and better support academic advising and enrolment planning.
About MyPath
MyPath is a comprehensive academic advising, student planning, transfer articulation, and credential audit solution that will help students:
- take the right courses at the right time
- navigate program requirements and prerequisites
It will also:
- help improve program completion time and graduation rates
- provide an online user interface and trail of communication between advisors, co-ordinators and students
- assist with enrolment by providing demand forecasting at a course level
- support Georgian’s current advisor models with useful online tools and a more personalized system
MyPath is available to students who are following September 2016 curriculum and onwards.

Georgian student renames new academic planning tool – May 17, 2018
MyPath and transfer equivalency
MyPath contains two main parts and is available for students following curriculum from fall 2016 onward:
- Worksheet: Helps students and advisors monitor progress towards credential
- Plans: Electronic tracking sheet that maps a student’s academic journey, and keeps them on track for a graduation
Transfer Equivalency Tool: Thinking of transferring to Georgian College? Explore and select programs to consider when transferring. Explore how your academic credits may transfer to a program. Save your work for future reference. Select an option below to get started.
Watch our instructional video and learn how to use Georgian’s Transfer Equivalency Tool!
Video resources
MyPath orientation for students
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
MyPath is an all-in-one online academic planning tool that allows you to view your current course requirements, course grades, transfer credits, status, academic history and even plan your future course selections. Use MyPath anytime from MyGCLife to track and map out your progress towards graduation.
MyPath is available to students following Fall 2016 onward curriculum, completing a degree, diploma or certificate at Georgian College. If you started your program prior to 2016 you will require a credential evaluation which you can find in Banner Web under the Academic Record tab.
MyPath is accessed through MyGCLife and selecting “MyPath” from “My Quick Links”. The preferred and recommended browser for seamless use is Google Chrome.
Yes, your information is confidential and accessed through your secure login. Only those who require access for their roles and responsibilities (Program Coordinators and Advisors etc.) will have access to your information.
No, you are not able to register for courses in MyPath. To register for courses, you need to log in to MyGCLife and select Banner under “My Quick Links”. From there you will click on the Registration tab.
Yes, the worksheet will provide you with a list of all core/mandatory and optional courses, along with general education or communication courses needed to complete your program.
New Dashboard uses different symbols:
The green checkmark indicates a complete requirement,
The blue circle indicates a requirement is in progress,
The red circle indicates an incomplete requirement.
Yes, you are able to see your grades for completed courses once they have been processed. Grades appear in the right column along with credit value and term. To see when grades will be available in a particular term visit the important dates.
Grade point average (GPA) is used to determine eligibility for graduation and honours status. Please review Georgian College’s Academic Regulations for academic standards and integrity of course credits and program credentials.
Your graduation status will remain blank until you have applied and submitted your application to graduate through Banner. At that time, your status in MyPath will update to Pending. Once your application has been reviewed by the Office of the Registrar your graduation status will be updated to either Will Graduate (deemed a graduate) or Non-Graduate (will not be graduating).
COME – Communication Essentials i.e.: COMM 1016 or equivalent
COMF – Communication Focused i.e.: Upper level Communications course (COMM 2017) or equivalent
For more information about communications courses please contact the Liberal Arts department.
Residency requirements refer to the minimum number of courses students must take at a college in order to receive that college’s credential. If you are a new student or have taken less than twenty-five percent of your program courses you may see the following message to remind you of this requirement:
You have taken 4 courses, but still need 6 more courses taken at Georgian College.
The number of courses taken and needed will differ based on your program of study and requirements, however, once you have completed more than twenty-five per cent of your program courses this message should disappear. If you have any further questions please refer to the Academic Regulations or contact the Office of the Registrar.
The information displayed in MyPath is an unofficial document and can be viewed as a tool to provide academic information related to course progression, while a transcript is an official document.
The information/data should update immediately after a change has been made and the page has been refreshed, however, if the change is not immediate, it should appear after the nightly refresh. Please contact the Office of the Registrar if your information does not update.
You should contact your program coordinator or advisor (Student Advising) with any questions about the information displayed in the worksheet or about the program itself.
It is recommended you speak with your program coordinator or academic advisor about changing your program. In the meantime, you are able to see if any of the courses you have previously taken would apply to a different program by using the “What if” button from the side menu.
Ontario Learn courses will count towards graduation but, are not automatically picked up in MyPath. To have these courses appear with a green checkmark on your worksheet please contact the Office of the Registrar and they will update MyPath appropriately.
The self-serve transfer equivalency tool allows you to find out how courses you’ve taken at another accredited institution might transfer towards your education at Georgian College. You can find the tool on the Georgian College website or by clicking here. If you are having issues finding an equivalent course or have any further questions please contact out credit transfer team.
If you have any questions about MyPath, please email Office of the Registrar.
Questions? Need help?
If you have any questions about MyPath, please contact the Office of the Registrar. We look forward to assisting you!
The Office of the Registrar offers remote and in-person services to students in all campuses Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Contact the Office of the Registrar
Phone: 705.722.1511
Fax: 705.722.5118
Read our frequently asked questions
We’ve prepared some frequently asked questions about registration and records at Georgian.