J.P. Bickell Foundation donates $50,000 to support Georgian College’s mental health programming

Karen Snowdon-Steacy and Maxine Duncan, representing Scotia Wealth Management on behalf of the J.P. Bickell Foundation, present Lisa Banks, Vice President, External Relations, Georgian College along with members of the Georgian College Mental Health and Awareness Committee with a $50,000 cheque to support mental health services at Georgian College.

Karen Snowdon-Steacy and Maxine Duncan, representing Scotia Wealth Management on behalf of the J.P. Bickell Foundation, present Lisa Banks, Vice President, External Relations, Georgian College along with members of the Georgian College Mental Health and Awareness Committee with a $50,000 cheque to support mental health services at Georgian College. Nov 2016

The J.P. Bickell Foundation, a long-standing philanthropic organization, has demonstrated its support to Georgian College’s mental health programming and services in a big way.

Karen Snowdon-Steacy and Maxine Duncan, representing Scotia Wealth Management on behalf of the J.P. Bickell Foundation, presented Georgian College with a $50,000 cheque during a flurry of activity at the Barrie Campus during Mental Health and Wellness Awareness Week.

The donation will directly support and enhance mental health services at Georgian College.

The Georgian College Mental Health and Wellness Awareness Committee organized a range of free activities to promote wellness, encourage conversations and provide new information about mental health. Snowdon-Steacy and Duncan were treated to a day of hands-on activities.

“The trustees of the J.P. Bickell Foundation are pleased to have provided the funding to Georgian College to support the programs being offered by the Student Success Services Team project,” says Snowdon-Steacy, Executive Manager, Charitable Foundation Services, Scotia Wealth Management. “Mr. Bickell asked his trustees to select charitable purposes that were most deserving of support based on the current conditions. The programs being offered at Georgian College that support students as they transition (to life at college), or address addiction issues are vital to the success of these Ontario students.”

Mr. J.P. Bickell passed away in 1951. In his will, Bickell left the bulk of his estate to charity through the creation of the J.P. Bickell Foundation. Scotiabank is the trustee and the endowments are looked after by a management committee. The J.P. Bickell Foundation has responded to the changing needs of people across Ontario for more than 60 years.

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