Work Study Program
Earn while you learn!
Every term, the Work Study Program at Georgian offers paid, on-campus jobs. Gain real work experience, build your network, finance your education, and explore how your academic studies translate to career possibilities.
What is the Work Study Program?
Work part-time on campus while you complete your studies
The Work Study Program helps students meet educational costs by working part-time during the school year.
On-campus job opportunities, also known as Work Study, provide students with an excellent opportunity to work part-time while participating in college life. Working on campus is a great way to make additional money to put towards your expenses while gaining meaningful employment to help build your skills and boost your resumé. There are a variety of work opportunities for you to explore. Most positions will include around 10 hours per week during your studies.
Please note: The Work Study Program is considered taxable income. Therefore, a T4A summary will be issued before the end of February of the next year. If you’re an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) recipient, the Financial Aid and Awards office will report the award amount directly to OSAP on your behalf.
What are the benefits of the Work Study program?
Finance your education, gain unique skills and more!
As a Work Study student, you’re an important part of the college community. Not only are you a student, but a valuable employee!
Check out the benefits of working on campus through Work Study:
- Valuable professional development opportunities at convenient on-campus locations
- Job variety that may be related to your field of study
- Provides you with important life and work experience
- Flexible hours that work around your school schedule
- Earnings to support your costs

Who is eligible for the Work Study Program?
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the Work Study Program at Georgian College, you must:
- apply to and be selected for a Work Study part-time job on campus;
- be registered as a full-time student (includes co-op) at Georgian College*;
- be eligible to work in Canada (for international students); and
- complete the Georgian College Work Study application in full, demonstrating financial need (original application required).
Please note: Students can only hold one Work Study position per term. Lakehead-Georgian and ILAC students are not eligible for this program.
*Employment between academic terms (including the summer term) is allowed if the student has received OSAP during the prior academic year OR has demonstrated financial need. Students must be returning to Georgian in the subsequent study period.
How do I apply for a Work Study position?
Apply to a job on GeorgianConnects and complete a Work Study application form
All Work Study jobs will be posted on the GeorgianConnects on-campus job board.
During the employment application process, you’ll need to complete a Work Study application and submit it with your job application via GeorgianConnects.
When to start applying for jobs:
- Fall term: July to late-August
- Winter term: Early to mid-December
- Summer term: Early to mid-April
If you have any questions regarding the program or how to apply, please contact us. We’re here to help!
Questions? Contact us
Financial Aid and Awards
Financial Aid and Awards provides a centralized service located at the Barrie Campus within the Office of the Registrar (ground floor of C building).
Phone: 705.722.1530
Fax: 705.722.5136
Email: financialaid@georgiancollege.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
All services are available both in person and remotely. Please be sure to include your full name and student number in your email or voicemail.