Tuition and ancillary fees
Tuition fees for postsecondary, graduate certificate and bachelor’s degree programs are set in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) fee guidelines.
What are tuition and ancillary fees?
Tuition fees
Tuition fees are fees charged to students representing their contribution towards the operating and capital costs of the academic program delivery and general overhead for the institution. Tuition is the cost associated with delivering programs to students.
Ancillary fees
Ancillary fees are fees charged over and above the cost of tuition, which support services and activities distinct from academic programming for the institution.

Full-time program fees
Below is the full-time student fee schedule for tuition and ancillary fees for 2023-2024:
Below is the full-time student fee schedule for tuition and ancillary fees for 2024-2025:
Full-time vs. part-time student status
Students are considered full-time in any semester when they are enrolled in at least 70 per cent of that semester’s course hours (which is usually 13 hours of a total of 18 hours per week) or 66.6 per cent of that semester’s program course load (which is typically four of a total of six courses). Exempt, audit and withdrawn courses are not considered in the determination of course load for full-time status but may result in full-time fees being assessed. Please check the “recommended courses by term” available on Banner to ensure you are not missing any required courses.
Note: Any missed course in any semester may drop a student’s status to part-time. This may have OSAP, course accessibility, immigration and scholarship implications. Courses picked up in subsequent terms may also have fee implications. Students are advised to contact the Office of the Registrar or the Financial Aid office for more information.
Part-time (credit)
Part-time students are permitted to register in credit courses provided space is available and the student meets program and course requirements. Typically, International students are not permitted to be registered part-time due to immigration regulations. Contact the International Centre for more information.
Credit course overload
Students may wish to take extra credit courses in addition to a full-time course load for a semester. The implications of this overload should be discussed with the program co-ordinator. Students will be required to pay additional fees for these overload courses.
Ancillary fees
Compulsory fees
A compulsory or essential fee is charged to your student account automatically after you register for courses. See below for a description of these fees.
Academic support
Applied to services such as peer tutoring or improving writing skills that are not provided through academic program delivery and are not funded by government operating or capital grants. Technology that provides academic support is also included in this category.
Includes, but not limited to:
- tutoring
- writing centres
- math centres
- Transition services
- student advisors
- testing services
- co-curricular record
Full-time fee: $42.50 per term
Part-time fee: $0.18 per hour
Full-time Communication Placement Assessment fee: $30.00 one-time fee*
*Applies to diploma and Ontario College certificate programs
Provides graduates with a lifetime membership in the Georgian College Alumni Association. Payment of this fee constitutes consent for the Alumni Association and its partners to contact you after graduation about reunions/alumni events and programs, continuing education and training programs, special college events, advancement activities, exclusive alumni discounts and news about Georgian College and the alumni community. You may opt-out of communications from the Association and the Advancement and Alumni Relations department at any time. At graduation, you will receive your exclusive membership card for the Georgian College Alumni Association. (This fee is non-refundable to non-graduates.)
Full-time fee: $54.51 one-time fee
Athletics and recreation
Applied to costs associated with athletics, recreation and fitness.
Includes, but not limited to:
- varsity sports teams (Barrie Campus only)
- campus recreation programs
- cultural sporting events
- fitness memberships
- fitness and well-being programming
- intramural sports
- facilities and equipment
Barrie Campus fee:
2023-24: $114.02 per term
2024-25: $90.60 per term
Orillia Campus fee:
2023-24: $111.61 per term
2024-25: $111.61 per term
Owen Sound Campus fee:
2023-24: $94.06 per term
2024-25: $92.68 per term
Midland, Muskoka, Orangeville, and South Georgian Bay campus fees:
2023-24: $45.00 per term
2024-25: $45.00 per term
Part-time fee: $0.47 per hour
*Costs vary by campus based on service level available to students
Campus safety
Fees that support programs and services that promote on-campus safety, including the prevention of sexual violence and walk safe programs.
Full-time fee: $7.35 per term
Part-time fee: $0.03 per hour
Career Services
Fees to support career-related services.
Includes, but not limited to:
- career counselling
- information sessions
- job fairs
- job boards
Full-time fee: $20.00 per term
Part-time fee: $0.07 per hour
Education technology
Offsets the cost of a number of enhanced technology initiatives that directly benefit students, including software and hardware upgrades in student computer labs, the establishment of high-tech classrooms, internet access and an Open Learning Centre for students.
Includes, but not limited to:
- network access and support
- multimedia classrooms
- software licensing
- academic workshops
- media services equipment loaning
- Student systems support officer
- computer hardware
Full-time fee: $105.50 per term
Part-time fee: $0.43 per hour
GCSA activity fee
This fee supports Georgian College Students’ Association (GCSA) services, supports, businesses and engagement opportunities.
Includes, but not limited to:
- student advocacy
- social engagement opportunities
- Food Locker
- clubs and associations
- leadership development and workshops
- Orientation and Transition activities
- Head Start
- Peer Mentor program
- MyGCLife virtual chat
- student planner
- co-curricular record
- swag
- grad photos
Barrie Campus fee:
2023-24: $41.87 per term*
2024-25: $41.87 per term*
Orillia Campus fee:
2023-24: $122.65 per term
2024-25: $122.65 per term
Owen Sound Campus fee:
2023-24: $81.98 per term
2024-25: $90.00 per term
Midland, Muskoka, Orangeville, and South Georgian Bay campus fees:
2023-24: $122.65 per term
2024-25: $122.65 per term
Online Campus fee:
2023-24: N/A
2024-25: $30.00 per term
Part-time fee: $0.12 per hour
*applicable to Barrie/Barrie Downtown campuses
Health and counselling
Access to mental health counsellors on campus and/or virtually, as well as access to other health services noted below.
Includes, but not limited to:
- counselling
- case management
- mental health resources
- mental health workshops
- vaccine clinics
Full-time fee: $40.00 per term
Part-time fee: $0.16 per hour
Health and dental plan
Health and dental plans were approved by student referendum and as a result are now a requirement of your enrolment at Georgian College through your membership in the Georgian College Students’ Association (GCSA). The Plans provide protection and security for eligible students, minimizing the effects of injury or ailments. If you have appropriate alternate health and dental coverage you may opt-out of this service. To opt out, please visit GCSA’s web page.
Full-time fee:
2023-2024: $165.00 paid once per academic year
2024-2025: $156.00 paid once per academic year
*Additionally, International health insurance is applied to International students at a cost of up to $657.00 per academic year
Student achievement and records
Fees related to administrative costs of producing documents of student achievement and convocation.
Full-time fee: $30.59 paid once per program
Student building
Fees that support spaces and facilities that host student activities and services which are not supported through government operation funding and capital grants.
Barrie Campus fee:
2023-24: $36.30 per term*
2024-25: $36.30 per term*
Part-time fee: $0.39 per hour
*applicable to Barrie/Barrie Downtown campuses only
Student ID cards (ONEcard)
ONEcard is the official Georgian College identification card. Features extend far beyond a simple ID – it’s your student card, library card, Athletics and Fitness Centre pass, bus pass, and a convenient method of payment for select vendors and services both on and off campus – all in one! It also allows for more variety and convenience than a traditional meal plan.
Full-time fee: $10.69 per term
Part-time fee: $0.05 per hour
Student transit passes
The City of Barrie will provide all Georgian College full-time credit students at the Barrie Campus with unlimited access to the city transit system including their accessible transit during semesters that students are enrolled in classes.
Barrie Campus Fee:
2023-2024: $93.79 per term*
2024-2025: $99.52 per term*
*applicable to Barrie/Barrie Downtown campuses only
International fees
International municipal tax
Fees are a municipal tax charged to all full-time international students. Fees are forwarded to the municipality that the student is registered in.
Full-time fee: $75.00 per year
International student recovery fee
Fees are applicable to all international students enrolled in a credential program at an Ontario college or university. Fees are forwarded to the provincial government.
Full-time fee: $375.00 per term
International insurance fee
All international students are provided with guard.me international insurance for protection and security. The fee is charged once per academic year.
Fall: $657.00
Winter: $437.40
Summer: $219.60
Circumstances beyond the college’s control, including but not limited to war, civil unrest, economic or natural disaster, sanctions and other legal restraints may prevent, delay or otherwise affect the college’s ability to provide a refund or to make any payment.
Tuition reduction for students with disabilities
Any student with a permanent disability who requires a reduced course load as a learning accommodation may be eligible for a reduction in tuition fees. If additional semesters are required to complete a program, tuition will be reduced to $20 per course, provided the student has paid the equivalent in tuition fees assessed for the entire duration of the program. Full ancillary fees are still applicable. This reduction is applied at the end of the student’s final term. For more information, please contact your accessibility advisor.
International students are not eligible for the tuition reductions as they’re not funded by the Ontario government. International students are able to access all of the student support services in order to support their opportunity for success.
Tuition discount for seniors
Seniors who are 60 years of age and older, who are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, may receive a 10 per cent discount on the tuition fee for most credit and non-credit courses. The discount applies to the tuition fee only; it doesn’t include materials, books or ancillary fees. This reduction is applied at the beginning of the course. If you qualify for the discount, once you register for the course, you’re required to email the Office of the Registrar at registrar@georgiancollege.ca and provide proof of age (e.g., driver’s licence, birth certificate or passport).