Ontario Learn and Stay Grant

Ontario Learn and Stay Grant

Offered by the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant is a new grant program that started in 2023-24 and is continuing in 2024-25. It provides financial assistance to students studying in the Honours Bachelor of Science – Nursing and Practical Nursing programs at Georgian’s Owen Sound Campus.

What is the focus of the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?

The focus of the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant program is to:

  • encourage learning and working in the same region where you study
  • meet current labour market needs
  • ensure communities have the workers they need for in-demand jobs
BScN nursing student in navy blue scrubs checking the breathing tube on a human patient simulator in the nursing lab at the Barrie Campus
A Practical Nursing student at Georgian College wearing navy blue scrubs and wearing a stethoscope in the nursing simulation lab

What does the Ontario Learn and Stay grant cover?

Funding overview

The Ontario Learn and Stay Grant is designed to assist you by covering the costs associated with:

  • tuition and ancillary fees
  • books
  • other direct educational costs (i.e., supplies and equipment)

While the funding amount will depend on your program, most applicants can expect to receive between $5,000 and $10,000 per year.

Additional information

The grants are renewable each year of study by application.

You’re encouraged to apply for loans and grants through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for other expenses, such as living costs.

Am I eligible for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant, you must:

Service commitment

To receive this grant, you must fulfil a service commitment.

This means you’re required to work in the region where you studied (Owen Sound) for a minimum of six months for every year of study funded by this grant. If unfulfilled, your funding will be converted to a repayable loan.

How do I apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?

Applications are now open!

Access the application for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant on the Government of Ontario website.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?Georgian College Chevron

The Government of Ontario is launching a new Ontario Learn and Stay Grant in spring 2023 for postsecondary students who enrol in priority programs in priority communities and commit to work in those communities after they graduate. Eligible students who apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant will receive full, upfront funding for tuition, books and other direct educational costs. In exchange, graduates will commit to live and work in the region where they studied, helping to fill critical labour shortages in underserved communities.

By providing targeted financial incentives to encourage students to learn and work in underserved communities, the new grant will strengthen local workforces in communities that need them most, such as the health care workforce in northern Ontario. Building up health-care capacity in areas where it’s needed the most is an important part of Ontario’s Plan to Stay Open. The government is working to ensure that communities across the province have the medical staff needed to be able to respond to any future shocks to our health-care system. The government continues to take action to build up the province’s health care workforce to ensure patients can continue to access the health care they need when they need it, no matter where they live.

Can I apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant before I am accepted into a program?Georgian College Chevron

Yes. If you’ve applied to an eligible program, you don’t have to wait for your acceptance letter from Georgian College in order to apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant. You’re encouraged to apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant in the spring, for programs beginning in the 2023-24 academic year. Enrolment will be confirmed prior to issuing funding.

Is the The Honours Bachelor of Science – Nursing RPN to BScN Advanced Standing Pathway (Bridge) degree program eligible for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?Georgian College Chevron

No. As of the current academic years (2023-24 and 2024-25), bridging programs are not included among the approved programs for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant.

How long do I need to stay and work in the regions where I studied following graduation?Georgian College Chevron

To receive the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant, you need to fulfil a service commitment. This means you’re required to work in the region where you studied for a minimum of six months for every year of study funded by this grant.

For example, if the program of study is four years long, and you received the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant for each year that you studied, you must work in the region for 24 months (two years) after graduation. If you only received the grant for three out of the four years of study, then you’d only be required to work in the region for 18 months (1 ½ years), and so on.

If you don’t fulfil the service commitment, your funding will be converted to a repayable loan, and treated the same as OSAP loans.

Can I study in one community and work in a different community after I graduate?Georgian College Chevron

You can work in any community within the region where you studied. For example, if you studied in Timmins, you can work in another community in Northern Ontario. However, you won’t be permitted to work in a different region.

Is there a limit to how many students can receive the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?Georgian College Chevron

All students who are enrolled in one of the select programs – Practical Nursing or Honours Bachelor of Science – Nursing at the Owen Sound Campus– are eligible to receive the grant.

Will I still be covered by the grant if I enter a health-care program in 2023-24 and the eligible programs, institutions or regions expand or change in the future?Georgian College Chevron

Yes. You’ll continue to be eligible for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant for all years of your health-care program, regardless of whether the 2024-25 focus (and beyond) changes.

The grant will continue to provide funding to you as you progress through your studies. Building up health care capacity in areas where it’s needed the most is an important part of Ontario’s Plan to Stay Open. The government is working to ensure that communities across the province have the medical staff needed now and, in the future, to ensure that the people of Ontario can access the health care they need when they need it, no matter where they live.

Do I have to commit to working in nursing when I graduate?Georgian College Chevron

To receive the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant, you’re required fulfil a service commitment. For every year of study funded by this grant, you must work in your field for a minimum of six months in the region you studied

Can I decide not to fulfil my service commitment?Georgian College Chevron

If you fail to fulfil your service commitment, the funding you received will be converted into a loan that must be repaid.

How long will I have to find employment after graduation?Georgian College Chevron

You’ll have a six-month window to secure employment in your field of study and in the region where you studied following graduation.

When is the deadline to apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant?Georgian College Chevron

Similar to OSAP, the deadline to apply for the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant is 60 days before the end of your study period, meaning you can still apply for the grant after you’ve started your eligible 2023-24 program.

Grant funding will be retro-active to the start of your study period each academic year.

How and when will I know about the details of the service agreement and how to fulfill?Georgian College Chevron

You will receive a notice by mail of your service commitment including details on how to verify your employment approximately 30 days before your graduation. An employment verification package will then be made available on your OSAP portal.

About Owen Sound

City of Owen Sound

Located on Georgian Bay, right below the Niagara Escarpment, the historic port of Owen Sound features beautiful waterways and parks, perfect for outdoor activities like fishing and skiing.

The largest urban centre in Grey and Bruce counties, Owen Sound has a vibrant downtown and all the conveniences you could expect in a larger city.

Georgian’s Owen Sound Campus

The Owen Sound Campus is located on almost 15 acres of property and is small but mighty. It offers a wide variety of programs, in great facilities, including a new ultra-modern, 10,000-square-foot Nursing and Wellness Wing.

Our warm campus community offers everything you need, the ability to connect with staff and faculty, as well as provides a personalized approach to education.

Need more information?

Connect with Georgian’s Financial Aid and Awards team: Call 705.722.1530 or email financialaid@georgiancollege.ca.

You can also visit the Ministry of Colleges and Universities website for the most up to date information on the Ontario Learn and Stay Grant: