Awards, scholarships and bursaries
Postsecondary education is an investment in your future. We know many students find it tough to make ends meet, which is why we offer so many options to help you pay your way to graduation.
Georgian offers awards, scholarships and bursaries to students of all walks of life — domestic, international and Indigenous, full-time and part-time, first years, upcoming graduates and everyone in between.
You can afford this!
By the numbers
What are awards, scholarships and bursaries?
An award is a non-repayable sum of money presented to students in recognition of their accomplishments or situational needs.
A scholarship is a non-repayable sum of money presented to a student primarily on the basis of academic achievement. Other criteria may apply.
A bursary is a non-repayable sum of money presented to students based strictly on financial need.
Thank you to our donors
The support we make available for students each year would not be possible without the generous contributions of our donors who establish awards, scholarships and bursaries. Georgian is deeply grateful to the many loyal organizations, alumni and friends that have chosen to invest in student success and tomorrow’s leaders.
Interested in establishing an award or scholarship? Learn more about giving to Georgian.
Awards and scholarships
What awards and scholarships are available at Georgian?
With more than 825 donor-funded awards and scholarships available to students each year with a combined value of over $1M, we’re confident there’s one for you!
The average value of a Georgian award or scholarship is $1,000. Recipients may be selected based on:
- community involvement
- involvement within the Georgian community
- academic achievements
- financial need
- sports and athletics
As you can see, it’s not all about your marks. You also don’t need to be fresh out of high school or in your first year of study. You don’t even need to be enrolled full-time! There truly are awards and scholarships for Georgian students from all walks of life.

Georgian disburses more than $3 million in bursaries every single year, so it’s worth applying!
The bursaries listed below are administered by Financial Aid and Awards and are subject to the availability of funding each year.
- Emergency Bursary (EB) or International Emergency Bursary (IEB)
- Georgian College Bursary (GCB) or International Georgian College Bursary (IGCB)
- Georgian College Technology Bursary (GCTchB) or International Georgian College Technology Bursary (IGCTchB)
- Georgian College Travel Bursary (GCTB) or International Georgian College Travel Bursary (IGCTB)
- Indigenous Student Bursary
- Métis Nation of Ontario Bursary (MNO)
- Ontario First Generation Bursary

External award, scholarship and bursary opportunities
Outside of Georgian, there are many organizations and businesses who provide awards, scholarships and bursaries to postsecondary students. Explore external awards below for more information and how to apply.
- 1st-Art-Gallery.com
- 7shifts Hospitality Management and Culinary Scholarships
- A Place for Mom Senior Wisdom Video Scholarship
- A.B.L.E. Scholarship Program
- Aboriginal Clean Energy Scholarship
- AddictionResource.net Scholarship
- Ad Standards Scholarship
- AGE-WELL Edge Award
- Air and Waste Management Association Ontario
- AIS Technolabs
- Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians
- Alliance Marketing Scholarship Program
- Allied Van Lines Scholarship
- Anishinabek Student Excellence Awards
- Arctic Chiropractic
- ATCO Indigenous Education Awards Program
- Avalaunch Media
- CanLearn.ca
- Canada Events Gala Scholarship
- Canada Post Aboriginal Education Incentive Award
- Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund
- Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering
- Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Scholarship
- Chamberlain Group Scholarship
- Check City – Richard Rawle Memorial Scholarship
- Cheekbone Beauty Scholarship
- CICan Paul and Gerri Charette Bursary
- Collegedunia $1000 Dream Scholarship – International
- College Scholarships
- College Student Alliance Advocacy Scholarship
- Community Foundation Grey Bruce
- Community Foundation of St. Clair County
- Community Volunteer Scholarship
- County of Simcoe Bursary Program
- CPAC Scholarships
- Creditcard Genius Scholarship
- Crohn’s and Colitis Canada
- Coupons Plus Deal “Save for the Future” Scholarship
- CTAA Scholarship
- Custody X Change – scholarships for sole support parents
Dd – Gg
- DCCI Scholarship for Canadian Students with Disability
- Dechtman Wealth Management
- Driven Coffee Scholarship
- EDC – Export Development Canada
- EnergyRates.ca
- Engineering Scholarship Program
- Ethics in Sport Fund
- Explore Program
- Find My Electric Future Leaders Scholarship
- Future of Assisted Living Scholarship
- Gaming Excellence Scholarship Program
- Garry Douglas Memorial Scholarship
- Glen Newby Scholarship Fund
- Global Health Nursing Scholarship
- Global Lift Equipment
- Global Scholarships
- Gunn Hill Wind Farm Bursaries
Hh – Jj
- Hamilton Community Foundation – number of bursaries available
- Haywood Hunt Scholarship
- HealthGrad,com Leadership Scholarship
- Horatio Alger Association of Canada
- Human Resource Development Scholarship Program
- Imperial Indigenous Scholarship Program
- Incredible Health Nursing Scholarships
- Indigenous Learning Center Bursary Program
- Indigenous Mentorship Network Program Undergraduate and Graduate and Health Professional Scholarships
- Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) – Post-Secondary Student Support Program
- Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET)
- Indspire
- Instant Record Check – scholarship program
- International Business Scholarship
- IvyPanda Annual Video Contest Scholarship
- Jelly Academy
- JobApplications.ca
- Johnson Scholarship Program
- Just Wright Dental
Kk – Nn
- Kathleen Blinkhorn Aboriginal Student Scholarship
- Kawartha Lakes Construction
- Kin Canada Bursaries
- Kral su
- Legion Ontario Bursaries
- Lerners Lawyers
- Lift Parts Express
- MADD Canada Bursary Program
- Manulife Life Lessons Scholarship Program
- Medical Excellence Scholarship Program
- Metal Supermarkets Trade School Scholarship
- Mobile Application Development Scholarship Program
- Modern Métis Women Scholarship
- Money Genius Scholarship
- Montem Health and Wellness Scholarship
- Movavi Scholarship
- Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC)
- NEWH The Hospitality Industry Network
- North American Van Lines 2019 Logistics Scholarship
- Nursing Scholarships
- Nutra Pure HCG
Oo – Rr
- Odyssey Program
- Ontario ECE Grants
- Ontario Federation of Cerebral Palsy
- Ontario Native Education Counseling Association (ONECA) Post-Secondary Student Award
- OPSEU Support Staff Scholarship
- ORBA Scholarship Information
- A Place for Mom
- PDFelement Scholarship Contest
- PetOnBed.com Scholarship Program
- Pink Pearl Scholarship
- Pretty Actions Scholarship
- Prezler Law Firm Car Accident Scholarship
- Pro Stock Hockey Student Athlete Scholarship
- PsycheMag Scholarship Program
- Rant-it.ca College Scholarship
- Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers
- RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth
- RCI-IIBEC Foundation Scholarship Program
- Registered Nurses’ Foundation of Ontario
- Roberta Jamieson Emergency Fund for Indigenous Students
- Russell Alexander Law Firm Scholarship
- Schiffmann Injury Lawyers Scholarship
- Scholarships Canada
- SeniorAdvice.com Senior Caregiver Scholarship
- Seniorcare.com
- Serving with Pride LGBTQ2 Scholarship Program
- ShiftIdeas’ Annual Women in Digital Marketing Scholarship
- Shim Law Scholarship
- SixSurgery
- Spinal Cord Injury Canada Scholarships
- Storwell Self Storage – bursary program
- Sunshine Coast Health Centre Scholarship
Tt – Uu
- Tamara Gordan Foundation Scholarship
- Tacuna Systems Scholarship
- TCF Youth Bursary Program
- TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples
- Telegraph Star Scholarship
- The B. Harper Scholarship Award
- The Caring Society Awards and Scholarships
- The Dean Connor Sun Life Inclusion Scholarship & Internship for Black and Indigenous Students
- The Dream Never Dies Foundation
- The Rick & Amanda Hansen Scholarship for Youth with Disabilities
- Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation
- Transportation Association of Canada
- Under the Open Sky Outdoor World Scholarship
- Universities Canada /Universités Canada
Vv – Zz
- Venetian Mask Design by VIVO Masks
- Villa Charities Scholarship Program
- Visual Art Scholarship
- Vivid Advertising Scholarship
- Voice Talent Online Scholarship
- Voquent Voice Acting Scholarship
- Wataynikaneyap Power Bursary and Mentorship Program
- Women in Computing Scholarship
- Women United Grant Program
- WRN Drive to Succeed Scholarship
Does your organization offer an award?
If your organization or business offers an award you would like to share with Georgian College students, let us know! Connect with us via email with the name of the award and a website address where students can learn more and apply. We’ll add it to this list so Georgian students can access it directly from this page.
Contact us
Have questions about award, scholarship or bursary opportunities? Contact the Financial Aid and Awards office.
Financial Aid and Awards provides a centralized service located at the Barrie Campus within the Office of the Registrar.
Barrie Campus
Office of the Registrar (ground floor of C building)
Phone: 705.722.1530
Fax: 705.722.5136
Email: financialaid@georgiancollege.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
All services are available both in person and remotely.