Managing the learning environment
Although there are general guidelines for creating and maintaining a positive learning environment, it is a complex puzzle and every teacher has to experiment to find strategies and ways of responding to students that work effectively. People and learning are both complex, so achieving and maintaining a positive learning environment is an ongoing and active process.
Ten guidelines for classroom management
- Think prevention: Consider how you can manage the learning process to prevent undesirable behaviour (classroom set up, opportunities for students to interact, active involvement, clear communication of expectations, structuring for success)
- Model behaviours you expect from your students: Be an example to your students for behaviours such as mutual respect, active listening, interest in learning, subject enthusiasm, open mindedness, positive attitude, etc.
- Avoid assumptions: Talk with students about their behaviour and explain why something is bothersome or unacceptable; examine your own assumptions and how these may affect student learning. Discuss assumptions with your students
- Avoid singling students out whenever possible: Although there may be the odd situation when something needs to be addressed immediately, the majority of the time it is better to talk to a student outside the class
- Know college policies regarding things such as code of conduct, human rights, plagiarism, acceptable use of technology, cheating, evaluation, etc.; be specific about the things that are not tolerable (sexist and racist remarks, swearing, interrupting, etc.) under these policies
- Communicate academic and behavioural policies and expectations (yours and/or your department’s) early in the semester regarding late submissions, class attendance, participation, missed tests, classroom conduct, etc.; put policies and expectations in writing, repeat them often and be clear and consistent
- Make your subject relevant and interesting to your students: Use examples that interest students (sports, entertainment); take time to find out their interests
- Teach for success: Instead of taking a punitive or negative approach, help students understand what is needed to succeed in your course and in the workplace
- Focus on solutions: Consider how can you make learning a positive experience for both you and your students
- Talk to your peers: Classroom management involves ongoing learning for educators; there is no shame in discussing issues with your peers in order to maintain perspective, and generate workable solutions
Reflection on practice
- How might time of day or events before/after your class (major test, tragedy, event) be affecting the classroom climate and how can you respond appropriately?
- What are your expectations?
- Are they reasonable and realistic?
- How can you communicate these clearly to your students?
- How can you engage students more actively in learning in order to minimize classroom management issues?
Ideas for managing challenges in the learning environment
Disruptive talking
- Provide opportunities throughout the class for students to interact with each other
- Get students actively involved in learning (not passively listening to you talk)
- Active learning does not have to be complex or time consuming – refer to the CTLAE resources on Active Learning
- Ask the student if he/she has a question or concern about the topic at hand in a friendly, concerned manner (avoid sarcastic or patronizing tones)
- Be sensitive to the needs of the students
- Did they just come from a stressful exam?
- Is there something happening on campus that they need some time to talk about?
- Communicate an agenda at the beginning of each class so students know when they will have a break, how long you will be lecturing for, etc.
- Write the agenda on the board
- Move around the room and interact with students in a positive way
- Maintain an appropriate sense of humour
Challenges to policies, procedures, and expectations
- Compare your policies, procedures, and expectations with others in your department before presenting them to students
- Clearly communicate policies, procedures, and expectations in writing
- Review these with students early in the course
- Post them in Blackboard for continuous reference
- Explain your philosophy of learning and its impact on policies, procedures, and expectations
- Show examples of what you are expecting in assignments
- Be firm, fair and consistent in your dealings with all students
- Be realistic about time required outside of class to complete work for your course
- Don’t be afraid to have students take their issue to a higher level because often this is not followed up
- If your policies, procedures and expectations have been thoughtfully established and clearly communicated students will not have ground to stand on
- Use an appeal as an opportunity to learn how you might clarify or revise expectations, policies or procedures to avoid future challenges
- Eedirect talking back to a relevant topic
- Give speakers a designated amount of time each to speak
- Emphasize the value of hearing diverse opinions and several people’s input
- Acknowledge that “Bill” has already spoken and you’d like to hear from others
- Continue a discussion online instead of finishing it in class
- Move the lesson forward by starting to write on the board, advancing the Power Point, or passing out the next task
Chronic late arrivals or early departures
- Communicate expectations and procedures around late arrivals or early departures early in the term
- Consider whether missing only part of a class is better than missing a whole class
- Speak with repeat offenders privately to find out if there is a legitimate reason and to ask them to enter or leave in a non-disruptive fashion
- Evaluate your class and your teaching
- Are students leaving for a reason that you can control (e.g. you’re covering info. that they can read in the textbook, you’re spending too much time on issues that concern only a few individuals)?
Negative comments about your course
- Accept that not everyone will like you all the time, every course you teach, or every class you conduct
- Remain friendly and professional at all times
- In private, ask the antagonistic student to suggest how the course or class could be improved Discuss this feedback with peers you respect before feeling obliged to implement them
- Solicit feedback from all students early in the course using a simple “Stop, Start, Continue” form
- Use a variety of strategies to meet various learning styles and personalities
Lack of participation
- Make sure students have the prerequisite knowledge or skills to participate
- Consider the wording and focus of your questions (e.g., open-ended, exploratory or investigative rather than factual, links course concepts to something of interest to the students)
- Have students first work in pairs or triads to explore ideas and then share with the whole group
- Most students will be more comfortable speaking in pairs or triads
- Work to create a reciprocal learning environment in your classroom (you learn from your students, students learn from each other)
- Get to know students so you can draw them in and they have something to contribute