Anti-racism resources
The resources below are suitable for all levels, whether you are years into an anti-oppression teaching practice, or brand new to learning about how systems of oppression operate. If you are new to this subject, a good place to start is with the “Educate Yourself” resources below.
On this page:
Anti-racism at Georgian
If you are neutral in times of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
—Desmond Tutu
Racism and systems of oppression are not things that happen ‘out there’ in the world outside of our classrooms. Indeed, they are present in all of the spaces we occupy, all of the interactions we have, and certainly are present inside our classrooms. If we are not intentionally anti-racist in our practices, we are unintentionally reproducing the systems of inequality that we seek to dismantle.
If you are ready to dive into applying anti-oppressive practices, have a look at the Teaching Resources. The upcoming events and CTL offerings will be updated on our home page regularly.