Transfer services
Georgian’s Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) will help you obtain credit toward comparable courses in a Georgian program.
Transfer options
Transferring to Georgian
If you have previous postsecondary education or have relevant work/life experience, see how you may receive credit towards a Georgian program.
Transferring within Georgian
If you are looking to continue your studies at Georgian, there may be a pathway opportunity to another Georgian program for you.
Transferring to Georgian
Students from other institutions or experiences transferring into Georgian
If you haven’t applied to Georgian yet but have previous postsecondary education and want to see which of your courses might transfer, explore the Transfer Equivalency Tool to view the current course equivalency database.
If you’ve accepted an offer to a Georgian program, explore the options below to get started.
Previous postsecondary education
Have you completed courses or a program at another accredited postsecondary institution?
Georgian refers to this process as a Transfer Credit.
Relevant work or life experience
Do you have relevant work and/or life experience that relates to your program(s) of interest at Georgian?
Georgian refers to this process as Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).
Transferring within Georgian
Georgian students continuing their studies at Georgian
Build on your existing credential! Diversify your career options by developing a multidisciplinary skillset, or gain specialized knowledge and skills employers are looking for.
You may be eligible for individual or block transfer credit into another Georgian program.
For domestic students
You will need to complete the Georgian College Program Application (GCPA) within MyGCLife. Visit MyGCLife for a breakdown of the steps required to complete the GCPA.
For international students
International students who want to apply for a second program can still apply to another program by contacting the International Centre for personalized advising.
Transferring out of Georgian
Georgian students transferring to another institution
Georgian forms transfer agreements and pathways with accredited postsecondary institutions in Canada and abroad for graduates seeking to pursue further education.
Outgoing transfer articulation agreements
Explore our outgoing transfer agreement page where you can view available opportunities for next steps after Georgian.
Explore additional pathways on ONTransfer.ca that are being offered by our institutional partners.
General information and resources
When should I start the application process?
Following the submission deadline timeline below will allow sufficient time to complete the assessment and make changes to course registrations (if applicable).
Term start | Submission deadline |
Fall semester | June 1 |
Winter semester | October 1 |
Summer semester | March 1 |
How long does the application process take?
Applications for transfer credit and prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) usually take up to five weeks to process. Only completed applications with all required documentation and payment will be processed.
Please consider this timeline when submitting your application and documentation, as this may impact your ability to select courses during registration.
Letter of permission for current students
Are you a current Georgian student looking to register for a course at another institution and use it towards your Georgian program requirements? Please complete the letter of permission form and contact your program co-ordinator.
Fee information
Item | Associated fee |
Letter of permission | $50 per course If submitting multiple requests, a flat fee of $100 will apply |
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) | $131 per course |
Transfer credit | No cost |
How to pay
Application fees are to be paid through online banking.
Visit our How to pay page has details on how you can pay your transfer fees.
Academic regulations
Please refer to Georgian’s academic regulations for further information.
Contact us
Contact Transfer Services
The Credit for Prior Learning team is available for questions related to the process of transferring at Georgian.
You can also review frequently asked questions (FAQs) about earning credit for prior academic work, from individual to block transfers, required documentation and everything in between.