Job Finding Club for Immigrants
New country. New opportunities.
Navigating your way to employment in a new country can be a challenge. We can help connect you with the people, support and information needed to move into the Canadian workplace.
Let’s work together to make your roadmap to employment a success!
About the Job Finding Club for Immigrants
Are you a newcomer? Get support!
Newcomers will obtain job search skills and supports which include resume writing, marketing international experiences, interview preparation, professional networking and job search.
These skills and connections will assist with an easier transition into the Canadian work environment and increase your knowledge of working life in Canada, including the laws, rights and responsibilities for both employers and employees.
Tools for employment
- understand how Canadian employers hire, and the skills they value
- develop an attractive set of job search tools
- search and apply for jobs in a supportive environment
- practise your interview skills
Develop your network
- learn the benefits of building and expanding your network
- connect with a mentor in your professional field
- access the hidden job market and uncover hiring opportunities
- discover the advantages of joining a support group
Build your future
- increase your understanding of the Canadian job market and hiring trends
- identify the steps to reach your employment goals
- receive support from an employment coach
Want to help a Canadian newcomer? Become a mentor!
The Job Finding Club for Immigrants connects newcomers to mentors in their field, who provide guidance and support to answer industry-specific questions.
As a mentor, you will:
- contribute to the equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) work your organization is doing
- gain additional knowledge and skills on cross-cultural communications
- attend networking events and get to know the skills Canadian newcomers offer our communities
Eligibility to participate
Eligibility requirements
- Permanent Resident of Canada
- Protected persons
- Individuals who have been selected inside or outside Canada to become a permanent resident (pending verifications) and who have been informed by a letter from the Department.
- Convention refugees and protected persons outside Canada who have been selected for resettlement in Canada by the department.
- Live in caregivers – temporary foreign workers who hold or received approval of a work permit under section 112 of the Immigration and the refugee protection regulation (IRPR) are eligible for all settlement services with the exception of language training.
Pour des services d’établissement en français et/ou la formation linguistique en français, veuillez contacter Services en immigration et intégration – Collège Boréal (collegeboreal.ca), 705.737.9088.
Coffee and Conversations
Looking to connect with other newcomers in the community?
Join us for Coffee and Conversations, a monthly social gathering for newcomers on the third Tuesday of the month.
Providing MORE supports and connections:
- A safe and social space to connect with other newcomers in your area
- Connect with programs and services serving newcomers
- Light refreshments will be provided
Contact us
A new group is starting soon! Contact us to get involved.
Phone: 705.722.1505
Email: jfci@georgiancollege.ca
Visit us: 48 Collier St. in downtown Barrie