For employers
Seeking skilled employees to join your workforce?
Georgian’s Career and Employment Community Services (CECS) offers a variety of services to employers to help you grow your labour force.
Our services
We offer a variety of services to employers to help you grow your labour force, including access to vital information related to employment and labour standards.
There is no cost for employers to use these services. However, employers must meet eligibility criteria to access them. Please contact the centre closest to you to review these guidelines.
How we help
Services we offer that may help your business:
- Support in identifying human resources needs and filling vacancies
- No-cost job posting services, online and in person
- Access to motivated job seekers
- Candidate screening, placement, monitoring and retention strategies and support
- Financial incentives to offset the cost of training our clients
- Information and referral to local programs, services and resources that are vital to employers
Access our services
To access our services, please complete the employer registration form. If you have any questions, please connect with our team.
Please note, this is a protected form that your web browser may not be able to open. If clicking the link opens the form instead of downloading it, please right-click on the link and choose the ‘save’ option. Once saved, open the form with Adobe Acrobat Reader, not your web browser or other PDF readers.

Information about wage incentives
Our team of employment professionals can meet with you to determine if your business is eligible for wage incentives. These are provided to employers to offset some training expenses related to hiring our clients.
Incentives are negotiated between our team and the employer directly. Amounts may range from $1,500 to a maximum of $8,000, with a maximum duration of 52 weeks, depending on a variety of factors. Our team also provides mentoring and job retention services for our clients to ensure success throughout the training program and beyond.
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. Employers choose the individuals they would like to have trained and the training that meets their workforce development needs.
Skilled trades are in demand
Skill shortages are a persistent problem in the labour market in Canada. The high number of skilled trades people who will be retiring within the next decade will only make the problem worse. This has serious implications in terms of labour market productivity, growth and competitiveness at home and abroad. We are here to assist employers in accessing skilled candidates interested in apprenticeship. We also administer the Apprenticeship Signing Bonus. A $2,000 apprenticeship signing bonus is available to employers to hire, register and train an apprentice.
For more information and eligibility requirements please contact us.


Job Finding Club for Immigrants
Diversify and strengthen your workforce! Hire a newcomer or become a professional mentor to a newcomer.

Youth Job Connection
As an employer, you could receive up to $5,800 in hiring incentives and supports through the Youth Job Connection program.

Youth Employment Pathways
Take advantage of funded pre-employment programs that prepare candidates for the job and provide wage subsidies during the training period.
Job fairs

Access qualified, skilled professionals
Georgian College’s team of employment professionals can assist your business in accessing qualified, skilled professionals who are ready to work.
The recruitment services we can offer you include promotion of the positions, interviewing/screening and selection. The services can be one or all of these, depending on your needs.
We also provide job fairs and recruitment events tailored to your needs. We are able to hold these at our location as well as at a larger venue if needed.
To learn more about how we can help your business, please contact us.
Job postings
Post your job for free
Career and Employment Community Services offers your business job posting services at no cost.
Simply complete the form below or contact us directly to post both on our website and in the centres.
Although we make every effort to post reliable job opportunities, Georgian College Career and Employment Community Services cannot be responsible for the accuracy or integrity of job postings.
Please complete our job posting form and submit to us or contact us directly.

Contact us

Georgian College Career and Employment Community Services
48 Collier St.
Barrie, ON L4M 1G8
Phone: 705.722.1505
Email: iwantajob@georgiancollege.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Georgian College Career and Employment Community Services, Orangeville
Edelbrock Centre
30 Centre St.
Orangeville, ON L9W 2X1
Phone: 519.942.9986, ext. 0
Email: cecs@georgiancollege.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Georgian College Career and Employment Community Services, Orillia Campus
825 Memorial Ave., Room A201
Orillia, ON L3V 6S2
Phone: 705.329.3102
Email: cecsorillia@georgiancollege.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.