Georgian is celebrating Earth Month with a full schedule of initiatives

Daniel Tucker and Allysha Miller are passionate about the environment. And they’re excited about all the activities taking place at Georgian College during Earth Month this April.

The two, both in their second year of the General Arts and Science program, sit on the college-wide Environmental Sustainability Committee at Georgian and they’re also members of the new student Georgian College Environmental Sustainability Club that launched this past fall.

“We’ve started the conversation with students about environmental sustainability on campus and ways we can help to plan, organize and implement programs to make the college even more en­­­vironmentally sustainable,” says Daniel who added they currently have 35 students in the club. “We’re also talking about ways we can take action on a more global level.”

“It’s just great to have students talking about climate change and taking action in a few small ways – this is the time to act,” he continues.

Allysha, who is also the Ambassador of Campus Life for the Georgian College Students’ Association at the Barrie Campus, added that much of what the club does is educational. “We’ve partnered with Living Green to offer a few movie nights featuring an environmental theme,” she says. “A lot of what we do is to simply get more information to students. Living Green has also worked with Georgian around our Good Food Box and Fruit Share initiatives. These two initiatives get healthy food to students in a sustainable way.”

During April, the committee is rewarding staff and students who are “caught” being green. “We’re watching for people who use a re-usable water bottle or mug, or commute to the campus in a sustainable way,” says Allysha. “They’ll be rewarded with a free coffee voucher. And if they post a selfie of themselves with their mug using #GCKilltheCup they’ll be entered into a draw to win some amazing prizes.”

Some of the other Earth Month activities happening at Georgian include:

  • Recycle My Cell Earth Month Challenge: Anyone can bring their old, dead cell phones in during the month of April and recycle them at any of Georgian’s seven campuses.
  • Clothing swap: Donate or trade your gently used clothing on April 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside the Barrie Campus library. You can also buy items of clothing for $2; all proceeds will go to the Georgian Student Food Locker.
  • Recycle your electronic waste: The Barrie, Orillia and Owen Sound campuses will have e-waste collection bins for items with a plug from April 22 to May 3. Bulk drop-offs are welcome. Cash proceeds will go to the Georgian Student Food Locker.
  • Wear a sweater on April 22: On Earth Day all campuses will lower their temperature by three to four degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Annual campus clean-up: Georgian’s annual campus clean-up will take place on May 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Barrie and Orillia campuses.

Learn more about Earth Month activities.

A male student with dark hair, slight mustache wearing a black suit standing beside a pull-up banner with the Georgian logo and "WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP GEORGIAN CLEAN." A blonde female student with glasses wearing a brown shirt, and pink sweater is standing on the other side of the banner.

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