5 ways to stay active and fit during COVID-19

Georgian’s Athletic staff have developed a few tips on how they’re overcoming the challenges of staying active during social distancing and self-isolation, and they wanted to share them with everyone.

1. Develop a routine and stick to it

David Laliberte, Manager, Athletics and Recreation, says the key to his success has been developing a routine and sticking to it. Dave says he’s been trying to stay on top of his cardio training by focusing on stationary bike at home and by running outside. He’s been using an online app (Strava) to monitor his exercises and to ensure he’s meeting his training goals. He’s trying to keep to the same schedule he had prior to the pandemic, however, notes it has been challenging. David is also an avid swimmer, but unfortunately with all the pools being closed, he’s had to modify his routine and focus on weights and swim-specific dryland training.

A stationary bike in a room with photos on a wall behind it

2. Use music as a motivator

Chris White, Georgian’s Sports Information and Marketing Officer, says music plays a big role in his life and day-to-day activities so that’s no different when he’s working out. A great playlist can really enhance your workout and give you a boost when you need to push through. Matching a song’s beats per minute (bpm) can help you reach your desired heart rate.

Chris also adds that you don’t need the latest dance song to achieve this. There are great songs across all genres and all decades to help get you moving. Here are some examples.

He also says that even during social distancing, a workout partner of any size is great to have!

A male in a yellow t-shirt and black shorts standing in a basement with fitness equipment

3. Use a fitness tracker

Maria Edwards, Fitness Coordinator, finds that working from home challenges her daily movement levels and workout routine. To help manage this, she plans each day and uses her smart watch to nudge her when it’s time to get up and move! She says it’s been a helpful reminder as she can get very focused on what she’s doing and can lose sight of time. It not only prompts her to stand up when she’s been sitting too long, it let’s her know how she’s progressing at reaching her activity levels for the day. She adds that it’s been a great way to help stay on track and reminds her to move during times of uncertainty and change.

A female with long dark hair pointing to her fitness watch

4. Fit activity in when you can

Sterling Ivany, Campus Recreation/Intramural Co-ordinator, says that although getting to bed early has not made his list of healthy activities, he has been trying to fit in activity throughout the day. A few things he tries to do include starting the day with 30 push-ups and two glasses of water. Push-ups are a great full body exercise that wakes up the system, and two glasses of water starts him on the way to properly hydrating for the day. He also goes for a 45- to 60-minute walk every day saying it’s good to get outside and good for the heart! And lastly, he recommends watching a comedy show or two every day as laughter really is the best medicine, especially during these challenging times.

5. When all else fails, train like a WARRIOR!

Ron Howden, Georgian’s Athletics Facility Co-ordinator, recommends training like a warrior to stay active during these changing times. He says he likes to start his day by getting into his best warrior outfit and heading into the backyard. He tries to mimic some of the best warriors like Mulan, Kung Fu Panda and Pippi Longstocking.

A male standing outside in a warrior stance wearing a red wig and holding a sword

If you need a few ideas, he’s created a video you can watch.

If you’re looking for other ideas around staying fit and active, Follow the Georgian Grizzlies on Instagram for fitness tips, at-home exercises, healthy recipes, contests and more.

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