360-degree tour of the paramedic lab
May 23, 2019
Georgian has a state-of-the-art paramedicine lab where students practise life-saving procedures using simulators and live actors.
In this video, paramedic program co-ordinator Randi McDermott narrates the kinds of scenarios student may encounter during lab time, including accident-scene extrication, and cardiac arrest protocol.
Features of the paramedic lab
Learn more about the equipment and student learning opportunities in Georgian’s paramedic lab.

Extrication station
Students safely extricate mannequins or live actors from the extrication station (car collision simulator).

Ambulance simulator
Working in the back of an ambulance simulator gives students the opportunity to enhance their skills in a realistic work environment.

Cardiac arrest scenario
With faculty instruction, students practise cardiac arrest protocol by assessing airway breathing circulation. Then students perform CPR and airway management.

Medication skills station
Small class sizes give students plenty of opportunity to prepare and administer injections, with faculty supervision.

Human patient simulator
Human patient simulator receiving IV.

Child patient simulator
Students practise on human patient simulators of all ages and sizes.