Top 10 reasons to come to Georgian’s annual benefit concert

The Georgian’s Got Talent (or not) benefit concert takes place on March 28 and 29 this year. This annual show comprised of song, dance and comedy, features staff and students. Here are just a few of the many reasons you should check it out:

  1. Andrea’s outrageous costumes. You never know what outfit MC Andrea Murray will wear on stage. She’s been Miley Cyrus, a beaver, a pirate, a set of curtains, and one year she came out dressed as a red Solo cup!
  2. Your Georgian colleagues really are talented! Didn’t know that Health, Wellness and Sciences faculty Erin Gilchrist does comedy? Or that Shona Klugman from the Segal International Centre is an amazing dancer? Come to the show and discover your colleagues’ many hidden talents.
  3. Our talented students. Will. Be. Blown. Away. By. Our. Students. They’re really (really) good.
  4. You’re supporting students. All proceeds from the concert help financially challenged students. The show supports an annual $1,000 entrance award and financial aid bursaries.
  5. You’re also supporting the Georgian Student Food Locker. We ask our audience members to bring an item for the Food Locker. And they always do – thank you!
  6. It’s good for your mental health. We guarantee you’ll leave with a smile on your face and humming a tune.
  7. It’s a great workout. Especially for your abs. Some acts will cause you to laugh thousands of calories away!
  8. All the cool kids are going. And besides, what else are you going to do on a Thursday evening in March? But you can also go Friday evening . . .
  9. It’s a one-of-a-kind show. Georgian has been putting on this show for 27 years. That’s pretty darn amazing!
  10. Hard-working folks behind the scenes. Hundreds of hours have gone into organizing and rehearsing for the show. Everyone involved volunteers their time because they all love it.
A woman with glasses and dark hair wearing a crows and speaking into a microphone
A group of people in different costumes (including a lion) posting on a stage

The show takes place in the Georgian Theatre at the Barrie Campus. General admission tickets are $15. Tickets for students, alumni and seniors are $10. There’s also a $30 dinner/show option. Here’s how you can pick up tickets.

A young girl with long black hair singing into a microphone
a young man with blond hair wearing a red shirt singing into a microphone with a guy playing drums in the background

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