RISE returns to in-person event with huge success
April 6, 2023
After three years of virtual events, it was great to celebrate in person together at the annual Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Entrepreneurship (RISE) Symposium. With the theme of Innovating Together, the day focused on the importance of working together and our individual roles as stewards, to promote prosperity while protecting the planet, as well as sharing how we continue to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through our work at the college.
The keynote speaker, Mark Abbott, an Ashoka Fellow who currently serves as the Director of the Engineering Change Lab (ECL) and the Director of Tech Stewardship at MaRS Discovery District, presented an interactive session on tech stewardship and how it’s imperative that those of us involved in the creation and application of technology must help bend the arc of technology towards good. This presentation was followed by a panel discussion including Dr. Yael Katz, Vice President, Academic; Jeff Monague, Indigenous Elder, Knowledge Keeper and Local Columnist; Irena Pozgaj-Jones, Social Innovation Fellow; and Mark Abbott. The panel was moderated by Nicole Norris, Manager of Social Innovation. They discussed and shared the importance of stewardship from diverse perspectives and how we must come together to ensure a positive future for us all.
The afternoon was filled with a variety of programming, exhibits and experiences for participants. Attendees enjoyed presentations on research studies, innovation projects and scholarly work from across Georgian in the Research and Innovation Speaker Showcase. In the Discussion Den, employees and students shared thoughts on a variety of topics including innovation in student government, entrepreneurship programs, engineering work, and more. The Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre offered the ScaleUp! Simulation, a game that had participants create a start-up company and play through the different life stages of a business.
Those who attended RISE were also able to experience the immersive Indigenous Languages World in the Experience VR space, and the Mental Health and Well-being area provided an opportunity to learn and experience a VR mindfulness practice. The interactive #ChangeTheNow exhibit was a wonderful and unique way to learn how the work of Social Innovation continues to support Climate Action. The day also showcased several student projects in the Innov8 Competition and offered so much more. Thank you to everyone who presented, participated and worked to make this event so successful!
Save the date for the RISE Summit
Make sure to mark Thursday, June 8 on your calendar! We’ll be holding the RISE Summit, a half-day event of 15-minute Big Ideas Talks. It’s a great opportunity to network, learn and share ideas.