Kevin Weaver officially installed as Georgian College’s 6th President and CEO
Oct. 6, 2022
At a special ceremony hosted by the Board of Governors in the Georgian Theatre, Barrie Campus, Kevin Weaver was installed as Georgian’s 6th President and CEO on Oct. 5.
Students, current and past board members, employees, alumni, donors, community and industry partners gathered to celebrate this milestone — with representatives from each group offering Kevin words of wisdom, encouragement and gratitude.
After taking the oath of office, Kevin said the greatest move in his career was coming to Georgian.
“I often refer to a famous quote by Nelson Mandela: ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ I believe that to my core and that’s why I am so passionate about the work we do at Georgian. I am a graduate of the Ontario college system myself – it was the missing piece I needed to find gainful employment. Now it’s truly an honour to lead as Georgian’s president. It feels like coming full circle.”
Kevin Weaver, President and CEO, Georgian College

As you can all imagine, it’s a great responsibility choosing someone to lead Georgian as its next President and CEO. This is an incredible institution and, as a board, we knew we needed a leader who could not only build on the college’s legacy but help us redefine who we want to be and how we continue to best serve our students and campus communities both now and into the future. Kevin is the perfect fit.
– Board Chair Richard Gauthier

Kevin is a familiar face to many, having served previously at Georgian as Vice President, Academic.
He brings to the role of president depth and breadth of leadership experience in the Ontario college system and an unwavering commitment to Georgian and our students.
Congratulations, Kevin!