New art exhibition showcases graduating students’ academic journeys

Imagine the ups and downs of college life – from working hard to grasp new concepts to finding purpose and belonging to achieving personal goals.

Now imagine all of that turned into artwork.

Students in the first graduating class of Georgian College’s Visual and Digital Media Arts (VDMA) program are sharing personal journeys to a collective academic success in a new art exhibition, The Frolic Eyes, at the Campus Gallery from March 27 to April 16.

Several people stand in a workshop and use power tools to put together artwork frames.
From left: Amy Bagshaw, faculty and Director of Georgian’s Campus Gallery, helps graduating students, Spencer Bisson, Inthusan Raveendran, Kusham Neupane and Nicoletta Marro prepare for an art exhibition.

Over the past two years we have created works of art that have grown with us throughout our program. The work we created encapsulates who we are individually, showcasing our personality and interests in each piece. This exhibition is a chance for us to share who we are through a medium we all love – art.

– Finnick Harris, VDMA graduating student

The students have studied many art making approaches, and they will display their work using a variety of creative methods, styles and artistic influences. The exhibition is guest curated by Carol-Ann Ryan, Public Art Coordinator with the City of Barrie.

“It was my pleasure to curate the graduation exhibition for the Visual and Digital Media Arts students at Georgian College,” said Ryan. “The selected artwork will showcase their diverse and emerging artistic voices, while demonstrating the variety of media they have learned and refined over the past two years. Collectively, their work came together in an exhibition that should make them proud of their accomplishments.”

Three people stand in an art classroom and point at photos on a wall.
Students in the first graduating class of Georgian College’s Visual and Digital Media Arts program are sharing personal journeys to a collective academic success in a new art exhibition. From left: Maarten Copeland, Mikala Williamson and Spencer Bisson prepare for the exhibition.

Visit the exhibition:

  • The Frolic Eyes runs March 27 to April 16.
  • Opening reception: Thursday, March 27 from 5 to 7 p.m.
  • The Campus Gallery is in D building (room 140), Helen and Arch Brown Centre for Design and Visual Arts), Georgian’s Barrie Campus, One Georgian Dr., Barrie, ON.
  • Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, noon to 4 p.m.

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