Message from our president: With the heart of a Grizzly
Sept. 23, 2024
This message is posted on behalf of Kevin Weaver, President and CEO
Aaniin, She:Kon, Nakurmiik, Tanshi, which means hello in Ojibwe, Mohawk, Inuktitut and Michif (the traditional language of the Métis). I hope each of you – our valued students, employees, alumni, partners, donors and supporters – had a terrific start to the academic year.
September is when I often feel a renewed sense of hope and optimism. We welcome thousands of new and returning students who are pursuing their dreams in more than 130 programs across our seven campuses in Central Ontario. They bring with them immense promise and potential.

These students will become the highly skilled professionals, leaders and innovators we need to fill critical gaps in the labour market, address complex challenges, and help build strong communities and a sustainable economy within our region and beyond.
They will introduce us to new perspectives, ideas and ways of being and will graduate compassionate global citizens who foster meaningful connections in workplaces and enrich our communities through their social and cultural contributions.
I’m inspired by their bravery and determination, and by the important investment they’re making in themselves and their futures.

This isn’t an investment Georgian takes lightly. We know the time, dedication and perseverance it takes to earn a credential – and we’re here for our students every step of the way with supportive, flexible and personalized services.
Team Georgian truly cares and each of our students matter to us. This is evident in the outstanding services we deliver, the engaging classroom environment our expert and passionate faculty provide, and in the work that goes on behind the scenes every day to ensure our students’ ultimate success.
In addition, we have our partners to thank for cultivating a warm and motivational environment. I appreciate the countless ways they collectively uplift and build confidence in our students – from providing work-integrated learning experiences and graduate employment opportunities to extending financial support, participating on our Program Advisory Committees to guide curriculum development, and so much more.
Transforming with the season
While the energy of September fuels me, I’m also mindful it can be uncomfortable for some of our students as they navigate the transition and all the feelings that come with it.
As I often say to graduates at convocation, change can be intimidating. But it can also be exciting and help us grow in ways we never thought possible.
I’m familiar with the uncertainty change can bring. I certainly felt it when I was a student and, in my role as Georgian’s president, I’ve wrestled with it too. I experienced it many times over the past several months as the Ontario postsecondary sector continued to undergo shifts in policy and we sought new ways to address persistent funding challenges – all while considering the impacts on our students.
In fact, just last week, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada announced new and expansive measures related to international students, Post-Graduation Work Permits, and foreign temporary workers – with implications that greatly affect our college, students and graduates. This, on top of changes this year that have already resulted in a decline in international enrolment of about 30 per cent compared to fall 2023.
As an institution focused on innovation and resilience, we’re managing these changes with resourcefulness and adaptability. Conversely, we’ve been so pleased to see that domestic student enrolment continues to increase, as it has for the past few years.
This dynamic enrolment situation calls for an agile response and though we haven’t cancelled any programs – we’ve introduced new and renewed programs – we suspended a few intakes and combined some classes. We continue to focus on finding solutions that deliver a consistent, high-quality student experience we can all be proud of and are working diligently to prepare our college for the longer term.
Although it’s been an unsettling period not just for me, but for our employees, we also remain dedicated to addressing labour-market needs. And we firmly believe that both domestic and international students add value not only to our vibrant campus life, but to the community, our regional growth and economy.
Team Georgian continues to roll up their sleeves to tackle these pressures with the same exceptional level of commitment they always do. They faced many disruptions in recent years – in the sector, our classrooms, workplaces and global community – and their resolve has never wavered. I’m grateful for that!
Georgian employees demonstrate what’s possible when we choose to view change courageously through the lens of curiosity and imagination – rather than fear.
They recognize the alternative is to lose relevance, fall behind or miss out on opportunities – and this won’t serve our students or our broader communities in the ways we know we need to.
They know more change will come, as it inevitably does, and so they embrace a mindset that’s built on creative problem solving, strategic risk management, and a deep willingness to support one another. I couldn’t be prouder of them and all they’ve achieved.

As we head into another season, I’ve been reflecting on the lessons this time of year can teach us about change as well. The leaves falling to the ground remind me of the power in letting go – of what no longer serves us, of what we’ve outgrown, of old beliefs and stories about who we are. And of the power of positive transformation through change.
Like our students, Georgian must transform with the seasons too.
This academic year will no doubt be one full of new challenges. Yet, I find myself more determined than ever to meet them head on. Especially since I know we have the best people, programs and partnerships leading the way.
I look forward to launching our next strategic plan, Vision 2030, in the spring – one that will guide us as we move forward on our journey together. Many of our constituents shared that they’re also facing enormous change too and looking to Georgian to be bold, brave and innovative.
We heard them and assure that, like for our students, we’ll be there to offer solutions and support in whatever ways we can – with the fierceness, strength and heart of a Grizzly.
Chi-Miigwech. Thank you.