Learn and unlearn during Black History Month

Georgian is proud to celebrate Black History Month.

Every February, people in Canada are invited to participate in Black History Month to honour the legacy of Black Canadians and their communities.

The theme this year is The Future is Now, acknowledging the transformative work that Black Canadians and their communities are doing now.

A Black woman marching in a protest holds a sign that reads "In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist. You must be anti-racist"

We have lots of content planned throughout February featuring members of Georgian’s Black community and anti-racism initiatives underway at the college.

We begin with sharing a list of recommended books, podcasts, TED Talks and events curated by staff in our Centre for Teaching and Learning.

If you have your own recommended reads and videos for Black History Month, add them in the comments on our posts on Facebook and Twitter. Staff from the Centre for Teaching and Learning will update the list throughout the month.

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