Justin Trudeau connects with Georgian students

Just Trudeau, standing with a microphone in front of a smiling crowdMore than 250 people gathered at the Barrie Campus to hear from Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau on Sept. 19. The event, organized by Georgian’s Students’ Administrative Council (SAC), offered students the opportunity to ask the federal politician their burning questions.

Trudeau entered to a big round of applause and was welcomed to Ojibwe territory by elder Ernestine Baldwin. Trudeau thanked attendees for taking an interest in the political process before opening the floor to questions.

The young MP addressed trade with China, legalization of marijuana, democratic reform, senate reform, support for soldiers facing post-traumatic stress disorder and the Keystone pipeline. After the hour-long question and answer session, he connected with students one on one – answering their questions and posing for selfies.

One student, who is running for Orillia City Council, asked why youth should go out and vote. “Because it’s a way to change the world,” Trudeau answered.

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