Health care studies a priority at Georgian’s Muskoka Campus

A male student in a lab chatting with a female studentWith health care topping the list for today’s in-demand careers, it’s not too late to pursue a career in the health sciences. Spots are still open for the Pre-health Sciences and Personal Support Worker programs at Georgian College’s Muskoka Campus.

The campus offers full-time classes in Pre-Health Sciences starting in September as well as classes in the Personal Support Worker program beginning in January.

Not sure which career to pursue in the health care sector? The one-year Pre-Health Sciences certificate program is designed to assist students in determining which health science program will best suit their needs. It provides students with the opportunity to examine the expectations of various health science disciplines and to assess their suitability and compatibility in relation to these expectations.

Recent high school graduates or mature students wanting to return to postsecondary education may wish to access this program to enrich their knowledge of health science related courses and also to obtain necessary prerequisites for admissions to other programs.

The Personal Support Worker program is designed to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide support services to people living at home, in long-term care or acute care facilities, and to function as integral members of the health care team. Those who have successfully completed the program will have demonstrated the ability to effectively communicate with clients, families and members of the health care team.

Georgian’s Muskoka Campus offers academic upgrading, flexible schedules, and a welcoming community of faculty and staff to help you build your future career in health and wellness

The campus also offers the Registered Practical Nursing program through part-time studies and continues to offer other part-time courses that meet local industry needs.

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