Gwen Strachan recognized with Georgian honorary degree

Older woman with grey hair in a black convocation gown flanked by an older man in a blue convocation gown and a woman in a black convocation gown

Orillia resident and community champion Gwen Strachan has long sung the praises of Georgian College. Today Georgian, in turn, praised one of its most prominent supporters.

Georgian College President and CEO MaryLynn West-Moynes and Board of Governors Chair Don Gordon presented Strachan, a long-time Board of Governors member and former Board Chair, with the Georgian College Board of Governors’ Honorary Bachelor of Applied Studies degree during convocation ceremonies at the Barrie Molson Centre, with approximately 2,000 guests in attendance.

The honorary degree is presented to a recipient who has enhanced or promoted the college’s image and reputation in Ontario or elsewhere; made a significant contribution to society; and achieved noted accomplishments in a particular field of study or applied education.

“Gwen Strachan fully embodies the spirit of a Georgian honorary degree,” says MaryLynn. “Over her entire career she exemplified vision, leadership and commitment to community – attributes we inspire in our graduates.  She adopted a pro-education position when she was Provincial Commander of the Ontario Provincial Police and more recently has become a tireless champion of all Georgian students.”

Gwen has helped to accelerate the learning and success of thousands of Georgian students. She joined the college’s Board of Governors in 2007, serving for six years as an active and passionate governor, and one year as Chair. During that time, she engaged in all levels of board activities and – with her experience, vision and leadership – balanced the needs of Georgian’s many important and diverse constituents.

Gwen has built a legacy of helping others. Her career as a nurse prepared her to successfully move to work in government, community safety and ultimately leadership roles as Director Human Resources and Provincial Commander with the OPP.  In addition, for many years, she has also supported Couchiching Jubilee House, an organization that offers transitional housing for homeless women and their children.

Gwen’s accomplishments are numerous and varied, and her contributions in the field of human resource management and leadership development are significant.

“As a board member and resident of Orillia, Gwen helped raise Georgian’s profile within the Orillia community and beyond,” says MaryLynn. “And as past Board Chair, she continues to attend events and is a strong advocate of postsecondary education and Georgian. Gwen exemplifies many of the same qualities we hope to instill in our students. She consistently achieves outstanding performance in whatever role she’s in and her reputation for principled leadership, ethics and accountability is undeniable.”

Overhead shot of a full room of graduates dressed in blue convocation gowns.

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