Georgian free upgrading courses help those wanting to go back to school

Yvonne Macintyre was happy working in the hospitality industry, but when the restaurant she was employed at closed due to the pandemic she decided it was a good opportunity to make a career change.

A smiling female with long dark hair sitting at a table. She's wearing a black shirt with flowers on it.

“I’ve always been interested in the health-care field and consider myself a people person who thrives working in a fast-paced environment,” says Yvonne. “I decided to apply to the Practical Nursing program at Georgian’s Owen Sound Campus but discovered I didn’t have some of the credentials needed for admission.”

The 24-year-old who lives in Port Elgin was connected with Georgian’s Academic and Career Preparation (ACP) program and is now enrolled in Grade 12 math. She will take Grade 12 biology and chemistry in the fall and hopes to re-apply to the nursing program next year.

Yvonne admits she’s wasn’t much of scholar in high school but her teachers always knew she could be a straight-A student.

“The program has been amazing so far,” she says. “The flexible schedule is great for someone like me who has a busy lifestyle. I’m able to work full-time and still keep up with my schooling. I’m very grateful for Jill Robinson, ACP’s Academic Upgrading Officer, my instructor Paul and the rest of the Georgian team. I can already feel how this will have an impact on my future as an RPN.”

Yvonne encourages people in similar situations like herself to check out the program.

Jill Robinson agrees that the program is perfect for those who have been out of school for a few years.

“We know as a mature student it can be intimidating if you’ve never stepped foot inside a college before,” says Jill. “But we’re a small and mighty team who want to take you from feeling insecure to being self-assured and in total control of your future, whether that’s needing prerequisites for postsecondary programs, employment or an apprenticeship.”

She adds that while ACP is a free program the results are priceless.

“We meet with you one-on-one through Webex and offer our support with a huge smile – even remotely,” explains Jill. “I take the time to discuss your goals, and whether you’ve been out of formal education for months, or years, I’m here to help you establish your individualized goal path. And together we develop a learning plan to take you from where you are to where you need to be to see those goals are met.”

For Yvonne that’s a nursing program at Georgian.

“I hope to go to Georgian – not only because it’s close to where I live – but also because of the great things I’ve heard from people who have gone to the Owen Sound Campus.”

Learn more about ACP

Academic and Career Preparation (ACP) is a free, goal-directed, flexible and supportive upgrading program. It accommodates the realities of daily life, while allowing you to bring your reading, writing, math and other essential skills up to a high-school level.

It’s offered in all our catchment areas,

Connect with us today!

Funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development, college-sector upgrading programs, like ACP, focus on postsecondary, apprenticeship and employment preparation. The courses are free to those who qualify and most (except sciences) offer continuous intake to allow students to sign up when they want and work at their own pace.

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