Fall 2021 semester update
March 16, 2021
Georgian’s focus for the past year has been to deliver our quality programs, while keeping our students, employees and communities safe through remote program and service delivery, as well as on-campus health and safety measures. With fall semester planning well underway, this remains a top priority.
As we pass the one-year mark of the pandemic and with vaccinations rolling out, Georgian is optimistic we’ll welcome more students onto campus this fall.
While we appreciate many students are missing the face-to-face experiences for learning, we also understand that remote learning is appealing to some students, and certain programs are better suited to online delivery than others. We’ll consider all of this as we prepare to welcome students back on campus. Consistent with our commitment to digital innovation, we’re working to improve our flexible learning and service environments to meet the needs of all our students.
Georgian has remained nimble and innovative throughout the pandemic and fall planning is no different. We’re cautiously optimistic, however, Georgian is well aware of, and planning for, the unpredictable nature of the virus, and will be prepared should things shift again. More details regarding fall semester program delivery will be communicated by mid-April.
See Georgian’s COVID-19 response and protocols for more information.