21 things you might not know about Georgian’s libraries
Oct. 20, 2021

It’s Ontario Public Library Week! We’re celebrating along with our public library friends.
Did you know? At Georgian’s libraries…
- We’re always open. Resources are available online 24/7 and access is easier than ever.
- We have cool friends. We work closely with Georgian’s Academic Success team. We even share a website! Academic Success helps students with math, writing and tutoring.
- We have a new BFF. Language Help has joined the Writing Centre page so you can get even more support with assignments.
- We go to classes. We are often in the classroom talking about library and academic services and building students’ research and writing skills.
- We have open-access resources. From podcasts to textbooks, we offer Open Educational Resources (OERs). Our OER librarian works with faculty to improve students learning.
- We help you study. Get free tutoring! Georgian Tutors are top students.
- We stream. You stream, we all stream for videos on demand!
- We’re funny. At least, we think we are? Find us on Twitter and Instagram and decide for yourself.
- We’re here, we’re there: We’re on campus and online, offering math, writing and tutoring
- We’re committed: We model academic integrity within our work with students and faculty.
- We have books your dog won’t eat. We’ve built our ebook collection to maximize access.
- We have books your dog might eat. We still offer many great traditional books.
- We’re chatty. askON research help via chat is available 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. weekdays and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekends. You’re guaranteed to connect with Georgian staff weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Outside of those hours, you’ll get help from other great Ontario college library people.
- We listen. We use feedback from users to build our services.
- We’re proud. We have many Georgian alumni on our staff. We also think our employees are our very best resource.
- We’re smart. Note we updated and reused this post from last year.
- We can get it for you. If we don’t have it, we deliver it fast to you. Our Get it Free Interlibrary Loan serviceis the best in Ontario colleges. We fetch almost 3,000 articles for students and faculty annually.
- We’re strategic. We measure our progress and are building our plan for the future.
- We’re learning. We continue to learn from Indigenous culture and knowledge.
- We collaborate. We work with other Ontario college libraries because we are better, together.
- We cite. Because it’s right. Our APA Guide has been accessed over 62,000 times this year.
- And we get e-e-excited. Some textbooks and course materials are available for free through eReserve. These resources have already been accessed over 10,000 times this year.
- We can’t count. This is more than 21 things but we know we can get help in the Math Centre.
Visit GeorgianCollege.ca/library to learn more. You’ll find us on campus and online this this semester! Ask us questions at library@georgiancollege.ca.
This article was originally published in October 2018. It was updated and re-shared in October 2021.