13 books about racism you should read
July 6, 2020

Georgian’s proud to be a multicultural college that accepts people from around the world, no matter their backgrounds or races.
Everyone is welcome at Georgian.
But we acknowledge that racism, oppression and intolerance exists in our communities, and we’re committed to fostering an inclusive, safe and welcoming learning environment.
With that in mind, we’re sharing a list of print and electronic texts about racism – all of which are available from the Georgian Library.
These resources are great places to start to learn more about racism and how we can all move forward together and lift each other up.
Are there any books or resources you’d add to our list? Share them with us on social media: @georgiancollege.
Books about racism and colonialism
- Race and racism in 21st-century Canada by Sean P. Hier and B. Singh Bolaria
- Final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: honouring the truth, reconciling for the future
- Canada’s residential schools: the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- Racism, colonialism and indigeneity in Canada by Martin J. Cannon and Lina Sunseri
- Racism in Canada by Vic Satzewich
- Racism, sexism and the media by Clint C. Wilson II, Felix Gutierrez and Lena M. Chao
- Seven Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga
- Racism, Eh? by Camille A. Nelson and Charmaine A. Nelson
- Anti-racism in education by Charles C. Smith
- The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King
E-books about racism and social justice
- Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel
- Overcoming Educational Racism in the Community College: Creating Pathways to Success for Minority and Impoverished Student Populations by Angela Long
- Social Justice Issues and Racism in the College Classroom: Perspectives from Different Voices by Dannielle Joy Davis and Patricia G. Boyer
Sources from Karen Halliday, Faculty Librarian, and Emma Greenfield, Indigenization Specialist Assistant