How to order a transcript
There are three ways to request an official transcript from Georgian. The method you use will depend on your status at the college and who you are sending the transcript to.
Options to order a transcript
Request a transcript from your OCAS or OUAC application
- If you’re applying to a university or college within Ontario, login to your Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) or Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) application account and request that your Georgian transcript be sent in support of your application.
- The transcript will be delivered electronically to OCAS or OUAC and passed along to the schools to which you have applied.
Current students and recent graduates
- If you’re a current student or recent graduate, request your Georgian transcript from the Academics tab of MyGCLife.
- An electronic transcript will be uploaded to the MyCreds™ Learner portal.
- When submitting your transcript request please be sure to use your Georgian College student email address if you are a current student or a recent graduate. Student emails are active for approximately one year from the date you last attended Georgian.
- Important note: A PDF copy of your transcript will automatically be sent to your document hub once you have been deemed a graduate. You can use this for post-grad work permit applications and proof of completion to your employer while you wait for your credential. You do not need to complete a transcript request form to receive this copy.
Former Georgian students
- If you no longer have access to MyGCLife and need a transcript for any reason except admission to another Ontario school, request your Georgian transcript from the website.
- An electronic transcript will be uploaded to the MyCreds™ Learner portal.
What is MyCreds™?
MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ is owned by the Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC).
It is a national credential wallet for postsecondary learners created by Canadian higher education leadership and demonstrates how ARUCC and Canadian colleges, institutes and universities are committed to ensuring official and secure document exchange that adheres to the Groningen Declaration Network (GDN) principles: “Citizens worldwide should be able to consult and share their authentic educational data with whomever they want, whenever they want, wherever.”
ARUCC became a signatory to the GDN principles in 2015.
Benefits of MyCreds™
Access important documents 24/7 with MyCreds™ – anytime, anywhere
Georgian College’s official transcripts are issued through MyCreds™, powered by Digitary – a leading digital credential expert and platform for certifying, sharing, and verifying academic credentials in a secure digital format. With MyCreds™, you can access and share official digital transcripts (e-transcripts) worldwide, facilitating faster, more secure decision-making with educational institutions, employers, government authorities, and other third parties.
Please note that downloaded transcripts are not official, as they are subject to tampering and their authenticity cannot be verified by the receiver.
Current students can print an unofficial transcript from Banner. Additionally, an unofficial PDF copy of your transcript will be automatically uploaded to your document hub on MyGCLife once you have been deemed a graduate.
Why Georgian joined the MyCreds™ Network?
- 24/7 access: access your documents anytime, anywhere.
- Faster processing: significantly reduced processing times compared to manual handling.
- Secured delivery: eliminates the risk of documents being lost in the mail.
- Controlled access: you control who gets to see your documents and for how long.
- Verified authenticity: recipients can be confident your records are authentic, certified, and tamper-proof.

Course Outlines
Find detailed information on the courses offered at Georgian College with our comprehensive course outlines.
Course outline search
Utilize this tool to search for course outlines from 2018 onwards. To save a course outline, use the printer button icon located in the top right corner and save it as a PDF.
Course outlines are not updated every term, so the date on the outline may be older than the term you have searched. The course outline was last updated for the effective term listed on the outline.
Request for course outlines prior to 2018
For course outlines prior to 2018, please complete the Request for Course Outline form.
If you need an accessible version of a course outline, please contact the Office of the Registrar at transcripts@georgiancollege.ca.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Find answers to questions about transcripts and MyCreds™ for students, information about controlling access to your documents, and transcript and MyCreds™ FAQs for employers and organizations verifying electronic documents from Georgian College.
Transcript and MyCreds™ for students
An official transcript represents your complete academic record at Georgian College. This includes all courses (credit and non-credit) which you have attempted and completed including those which you repeated.
Your official transcript will also include confirmation of all credentials that have been awarded while studying at the college.
Your official transcript is accessed through the MyCreds (insert link) portal. After you complete your request through the MyCreds portal, your transcript can be digitally shared to third parties such as other institutions, official government agencies and an employer.
Your unofficial transcript also reflects your academic record at Georgian College however, this does not bear the Registrar’s signature or official seal of Georgian College. Your unofficial transcript can be accessed through MyGCLife (insert link) and is free of charge.
An unofficial transcript can be used to share your grades and review your progress here at Georgian College. As this is not an official document this will not meet the requirements when being asked to share your academic record with other institutions or official government agencies.
No. All official transcripts have been converted to a digital format and will be sent to your digital wallet in MyCreds™.
If you are a current Georgian student or recent graduate, submit your request from the Academics tab of MyGCLife.
If you no longer have access to MyGCLife, you can request an e-transcript by completing the request form on the website.
Regardless of how you submit your request, you will receive an email notification from MyCreds™ when your e-transcript is ready to be shared. The provided link will walk you through logging into your secure account on the MyCreds™ Learner portal and allow you to authorize the release of your transcript to your chosen recipient.
When shared through the MyCreds™ platform, the official transcript (e-transcript) is authentic, tamper-evident and legally valid. Documents issued through MyCreds™ contain digital signatures that meet the legal requirements of certified digital documents in countries around the world. When you share your documents with third parties through the MyCreds™ portal, these digital signatures ensure their authenticity.
MyCreds™ stores your documents securely with your data remaining under Georgian College’s control. You control who you share your documents with. The underlying MyCreds™ systems have been independently tested by security experts.
More information can be found on the MyCreds website.
If you have the email notification you received from MyCreds™ when the document was issued: Follow the link in the email notification and log in with your Georgian username and password. If you have not yet created an account, it will prompt you to do so.
If you no longer have the email notification you received from MyCreds™: Navigate to the MyCreds Education Provider sign in page and select Georgian College from the institution drop-down menu. Next, log in with your Georgian username and password. You must have already created an account to access the system without the email link.
If you have the email notification you received from MyCreds™ when the document was issued: Follow the link in the email notification. If you have not yet created an account, follow the prompts on the MyCreds™ screen. The email you entered on your request form will be pre-populated and must be used to create the account. This email address is used to link the document we uploaded to the account you are creating.
If you no longer have the email notification you received from MyCreds™: Navigate to the MyCreds™ login page and enter the email address on your account and your password. You must have already created an account to access the system without the email link.
All MyCreds™ notifications for current students and recent graduates will be sent to your Georgian email address.
If you are a former student and/or you no longer have an active Georgian email account, the notification will be sent to the email address you include in your request.
- Once you receive the confirmation email that your e-transcript is available, simply follow the link provided to log in to your secure account on the MyCreds™ Learner portal. Don’t forget to check your junk folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
- If this is your first time logging into MyCreds™, see the How do I create a MyCreds™ account? FAQ below.
- After logging in, purchase the number of required share credits by clicking on the Add more link. You will need one share credit for each email address you are sharing your transcript with.
- From the Documents page, which will be displayed after login, click on the Share button next to the document you wish to share. You will enter the recipient email address and MyCreds™ will send an email to the person or organization. You can specify for how long they can access the document, or require them to have a PIN to access the document.
- This Document Sharing screen is where you will enter the recipient email address. Once you have entered the email address, click the Continue button.
- Review the number of share credits you have for this document, and click Share.
- Review the confirmation message which will include the email address for the recipient you have shared your transcript with. You can advise the recipient to expect an email notification from MyCreds.ca|Mes Certif.ca <noreply@mycreds.ca>
For complete details about sharing your documents, please see the MyCreds Learner FAQ.
Instead of paying a fee per paper transcript, with the e-transcript you will purchase a specific number of Share Credits for that document. Each Share Credit will allow you to share the secure e-transcript with one recipient, such as an employer or an educational institution.
For example, if you need to send transcripts to both a regulatory board and your employer, you will need to purchase two Share Credits from the MyCreds™ portal.
When you are notified that your e-transcript is ready for sharing, you can log in to the MyCreds™ Learner portal and click on Share. You will then use the first Share Credit to send your e-transcript to the regulatory board, and the second Share Credit to send your e-transcript to your employer.
In the MyCreds™ Learner portal, you will be able to see how many Share Credits you purchased, how many you have already used, and how many are remaining.
When you have used all of the Share Credits that you purchased for your e-transcript, you will no longer be able to share it with any further recipients. If the remaining Share Credits reach zero and you need to share your e-transcript with another recipient, you can purchase more Share Credits by clicking Add More.
When you sign in to your MyCreds™️ portal, you will be presented with a list of all your documents. Click on the document you would like to open. If this is your first time opening a new document or updated document, you may see a Payment required notice. You must have at least one share credit associated with your document to view your document. If you see the Payment required notice, you must purchase at least one share credit. After at least one share credit is purchased, you can open and view your document at any time until it is updated, even after you use the share credit.
No, opening your document to view it does not use up your share credit. Your share credit will stay in your account until you decide to share your document by clicking the blue Share button. Viewing does not consume a share credit.
No, you must purchase at least one share credit the very first time you want to view your document or when the document is updated, and you have no share credits associated with the document (ie. zero share credit balance).
Yes, if your document has not been updated with new information. If your document has been updated with new information, you will need to purchase at least one share credit to view and share it.
After Feb. 23, 2022, only documents newly added or updated to your MyCreds™️ account will require the document to have a share credit associated with it before you can view and share it. You can continue to view and share previously issued documents that have not been updated or new documents with a non-zero share credit balance.
All purchases made within MyCreds™ will require your residential address and your billing address associated with your payment card to meet Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requirements. Your billing address postal code must match the postal code associated with your bank’s payment card, otherwise your payment will be rejected.
The cost for each e-transcript share credit is $12 plus tax.
Transcript fees are charged in Canadian dollars (CAD) and can be paid by any card the Stripe payment system accepts, including Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Payment is non-refundable.
Your e-transcript is not available for download from the Documents Page in your MyCreds™ Learner portal. This is one of the ways that the Office of the Registrar ensures the integrity of academic records for employers, government authorities and other verifiers. When you share the document with a third-party recipient directly through the MyCreds™ platform, the recipient is able to verify with Georgian that the document is authentic and current, and will have access to the transcript in PDF format which they will be able to download and retain for their record-keeping purposes.
As a learner, if you need a copy of your official transcript for your own records, simply share the document with yourself by entering your own email address. This will then allow you to access and download the PDF. This option will use up one Share Credit. If you also need to share the document securely with another third party within the platform, you will need to purchase additional Share Credits. See How do I share my e-transcript from the MyCreds™ portal? above for step-by-step instructions.
You can also view and download your unofficial transcript as a PDF directly from Banner at any time. Downloading your unofficial transcript from Banner does not use any Share Credits.
Important: If you choose to download your transcript and if you send this downloaded transcript to a third party, institutions and organizations may not consider it valid. By receiving a copy of a downloaded transcript, third-party recipients will have no way of verifying the document you send them is valid, current and not tampered with. Instead, by sharing documents within the platform, third parties are able to verify the documents directly with Georgian. Should there be any updates to a document, the third-party recipient will immediately be able to access the updated version
E-transcript orders are processed and transmitted from Georgian to MyCreds™ daily; however, due to volume of requests, it can take up to 10 business days for your request to be processed.
You will receive an email notification from MyCreds™ once your e-transcripts are available for you to share. Don’t forget to check your junk mail box if you don’t see a message from MyCreds™.
If you have a hold on your account that restricts you from receiving a transcript, your transcript will not be issued until the balance and/or other obligations have been cleared to the satisfaction of the college.
If you require a transcript after the end of a term or immediately after you have graduated, select the appropriate option when you indicate “When Transcript is Required” on your transcript request form. It is not possible to hold an official transcript order for grade changes or grades submitted after the grade entry deadline. If you are waiting for this, please do not submit your request form until after you have verified the changes on your Banner student record.
Current students are required to review their unofficial transcript for accuracy and completeness before placing an official transcript order. Official transcripts will not be reissued in the event of a revision to the academic record such as a course drop or grade revision. For these situations, students will be required to submit a new official transcript request.
Controlling access to your documents
If you set an expiry date when you used a Share Credit to share your e-transcript with a recipient, that recipient will lose access once the expiry date passes.
An expired share still counts towards the number of Share Credits you have used.
Yes. As a learner or student, you have full control over access to your documents. In the MyCreds™ Learner portal, you can view the individual share that you would like to change and disable the recipient’s access at any time.
A disabled share still counts towards the number of the Share Credits you have used.
When shared through the MyCreds™ platform, the official transcript (e-transcript) is authentic, tamper-resistant and legally valid. Documents issued through MyCreds™ contain digital signatures that meet the legal requirements of certified digital documents in countries around the world. The majority of organizations recognize and accept official electronic documents from verified providers like MyCreds™.
If your recipient is not allowing you this option, please email transcripts@georgiancollege.ca with the details of the situation and we can assist you in following up with the organization.
Transcript and MyCreds™ FAQ for employers and organizations verifying electronic documents from Georgian College
Documents issued through MyCreds™ contain digital signatures that meet the legal requirements of certified digital documents in countries around the world.
When students or alumni share their documents with third parties through the MyCreds™ portal, these digital signatures ensure their authenticity as a document issued by Georgian College.
E-transcripts and e-credentials are official only when bearing the Blue Ribbon Symbol and a valid digital certification issued by GlobalSign CA for Adobe.
A document is only considered official and is a trusted document if a recipient receives it in an email sent by MyCreds™. The URL should start with https://learner.mycreds.ca.
A transcript routed to a recipient from an individual personal email is not official.
When you view the document through the MyCreds™ portal, you should see that:
- Document status says Available.
- The document has the Certified blue ribbon symbol.
- You can view the certificate information.
If a document has been revoked or the share has expired or been disabled by the student, you will see a document verification failure message when you access the link.
Please see the MyCreds™ Verifier FAQs.
Contact us
Contact the Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar offers remote and in-person services to students in all campuses Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 705.722.1511
Fax: 705.722.5118
Email: transcripts@georgiancollege.ca
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.