Credit for Prior Learning – Articulations

Georgian is pleased to offer transfer agreements with accredited postsecondary institutions in Canada and abroad to help you pursue your educational goals.

If you are a Georgian graduate, find out how you can continue your education and pursue further credentials in Canada and abroad. Visit the Transfer Articulation System (TAS) to learn more.

Have questions? Need more information?

Questions or concerns regarding articulation and transfer agreements can be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Phone: 705.722.1511
Fax: 705.722.1517
Location: Ground floor of C building

Two people sitting next to each other in an office space, smiling while holding a notebook, pen, coffee and tablet

Changes and updates to these articulation/transfer opportunities occur throughout the year. Georgian endeavours to ensure the accuracy of each articulation opportunity, however changes may occur in program offerings, admission requirements and transfer credits granted by participating institutions. Georgian College makes no representation as to the continued offering by the articulating institution of the related programs/degrees. Students must check directly with the articulating/transfer institution for any related current information and status.