Dual Credit
Get a head start with Dual Credit
The Dual Credit program allows selected secondary students to get a head start on their college education by taking college credits while still in high school. Once you complete the college course, you would receive a credit on your secondary school transcript, which would count toward a college diploma in a related program. So, you essentially take a course that counts in two places – it’s like two for one!
Dual Credit is funded through the School College Work Initiative (SCWI) and is a project of the School College Partnership office at Georgian College.
Dual Credit at Georgian
- Dual Credit courses are offered at all Georgian College campuses in a range of subjects, from technology to art to general education.
- Our partner school boards are responsible for selecting Dual Credit students.
- Please talk to your school guidance counsellor or Student Success teacher if you are interested.
- There is no cost to you.
- Costs are covered by the Dual Credit program.
- Transportation is provided, which also means that your Dual Credit course choices will vary depending on your school.
- In addition to a college faculty member, you will receive support from a secondary teacher assigned to each course.
For course availability or for registration forms, withdrawal forms, course outlines and more, visit the Central Lakes Regional Planning Team website.

After Dual Credit
Let Georgian accelerate your success
- Choose from 130+ career-focused programs that give you the skills and the hands-on experience employers are looking for.
- From high school graduate to Georgian College student – we are here to help you with your transition to college life. With small classes, lots of student resources, friendly staff, dynamic varsity teams, student-run clubs and campus events, you’ll feel connected to the people around you.
- You can afford this! We offer a variety of services and supports to help you pay for college. We also distribute a growing number of awards and scholarships – and they’re not just for students with high grades.
- Not sure which program is right for you? Try Career Match to find the best fit for your personality type.
- Come visit us! Take a tour of our campuses or drop by one of our Get Help To Go Back sessions. We look forward to meeting you!
Information for current Dual Credit students
Welcome! We are happy to have you as part of the Georgian College community. Here is some information you may need:
- Get tips on logging in to your Blackboard account.
- For up-to-date info, follow us on Instagram.
- Not sure if it’s a snow day? If your school bus is not running, your Dual Credit course won’t run.
Transferring Dual Credits to postsecondary at Georgian
- Dual credits taken at Georgian College will automatically show up in a student’s records once the student passes the course.
- It is important that Dual Credit students use the same student number given to them during their course once they attend college.
- Only dual credits from General Education can be used as General Education credits at college. All General Education credits at Georgian College have a course code beginning GNED. If the course is not General Education, do not assume it can be used as such.
- All credits that are specific to a program can be applied only to the program or programs from which the credit originates. For example, MKTG1000 Introduction to Marketing can be applied to a variety of Business programs, it cannot be used in an Engineering program in any way. HLTH100 Health Care in Canada can only be applied to the Pre-health Sciences program, it cannot be used toward a Nursing program.
- You can find information about programs related to each Dual Credit at Central Lakes under Course Information, then the semester, then Dual Credit Checklist under each course.
- Any transfer credits or exemptions to a program will be granted after the student receives and accepts an offer of admission from Georgian College.
For other colleges
- Exemption policies, procedures and application deadlines vary from college to college. Students are advised to ask the Registrar’s Office or the program co-ordinator where they plan to attend.
- Students will have to make a request to apply the Dual Credit to their program.
- Students should request that their postsecondary transcripts be sent to the other college. This can be done during application through OCAS.
- The other college may ask for a Request for Assessment of Previous Learning (PLAR).
- There will be no fees for transferring your dual credit from one college to another.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Applicants with dual credit courses will not be given admission advantage over applicants without dual credits. Marks from dual credit courses may be used in the calculation of admission averages, and will be treated as electives if they are part of the six highest senior level marks used in an average calculation.
If you plan to attend the same college where you earned your dual credit, and the course you took is part of the program you now plan to pursue, it’s likely that you can be granted a credit transfer in, or exemption from, that course after you receive and accept an offer of admission to the program.
If the course you took is not part of the program you now plan to pursue, it’s possible that the credit can be used as an elective toward your college certificate, diploma or degree.
In both cases, it will be important to follow the processes of the college you plan to attend. You may be asked to produce your college record as well as the course outline for the dual credit college course that you completed. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at the college of your choice for further information.
If you plan to attend a different college from the one where you earned your dual credit, it may be possible to transfer that credit toward a certificate, diploma or degree at the college you now plan to attend. All Ontario colleges are bound by the Mobility and Transferability Protocol for College-to-College Transfer (November 2003) with respect to recognizing credits earned in other colleges. This protocol also covers the transferability of dual credit courses.
Whether or not you will be granted exemption/transfer credit will depend on how closely the course you took matches a required or elective course at your new college. Students should contact the college they plan to attend to discuss possible credit transfer and to find out what processes they must follow in order to have their credit recognized.
Contact us
Dana Ramsay
Manager, School College Partnerships
Chair, Central Lakes Regional Planning Team
Email: Email Dana
Phone: 249.388.2423