Transatlantic Slavery (ODE)

GNED 1098

Course description

The effects of transatlantic slavery, which began in the 15th century and was not abolished until the 19th, are still present in contemporary social, political and economic systems. In this course, students are provided with a chronological understanding of the transatlantic slave trade that charts: 1) its creation and its economic underpinnings in European and American power and wealth; 2) the resistance to slavery and its eventual abolition; and 3) the afterlife of slavery in the present day. Through class discussion, examination of academic and non-academic literature, and analysis of images and videos, students will be introduced to the history and continuing legacy of the transatlantic slave trade.



Course Hours


Students registering for credit courses for the first time must declare a program at the point of registration. Declaring a program does not necessarily mean students must complete a program, individual courses may be taken for skill improvement and upgrading.

Contact or call 705.722.1500 for more information.

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