Recreation Therapy Internship

TREC 1017

Course description

Students complete 14 week/40 hour per week recreation therapy internships at approved agencies. In addition to agency expectations, behavioural competencies that reflect coursework from previous semesters guide students’ involvement with clients during internship.



Course Hours



Post Graduate level TREC 1002 Assessment Processes Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1003 Foundations of RT Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1004 Adapted Recreation Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1005 RT with Selected Populations Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1009 Organizational Leadership: RT Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1014 Biological Sciences in RT Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1007 Leisure Education Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1008 Issues and Trends Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1010 Facilitative Techniques Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1011 Research In Recreation Therapy Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1012 Therapeutic Relationships: RT Minimum Grade of 60
and Post Graduate level TREC 1015 Nature of Disabilities in RT Minimum Grade of 60
Post Graduate level TREC 1002 Assessment Processes Minimum Grade of 60

Students registering for credit courses for the first time must declare a program at the point of registration. Declaring a program does not necessarily mean students must complete a program, individual courses may be taken for skill improvement and upgrading.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education