Proposal Writing

COMM 2015



Course Hours



( CPT Reading Comprehension 260
and CPT Writing 260)
or ( CPT Reading Comprehension 90
and CPT Sentence Structure 90)
or Post Secondary level COMM 1016 Communication Essentials Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level COMM 1018 Communications 1 (ODE) Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level COMM 1000 College Communications Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level COMM 9000 Communications Option Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level COMM 1024 Communications 1 (ODE) Minimum Grade of 50

Students registering for credit courses for the first time must declare a program at the point of registration. Declaring a program does not necessarily mean students must complete a program, individual courses may be taken for skill improvement and upgrading.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education