JUST 0068

Course description

This course is designed to foster proficiency in creating and leading community risk-reduction programs. Students will acquire the skills and knowledge required to prepare budget proposals; develop public policy recommendations; evaluate subordinate performances; establish fire and life safety priorities; facilitate partnerships; prepare funding requests; develop lesson plans; create educational materials; design fire and life safety education programs; develop evaluation strategies; and design and implement evaluation instruments. This course assist students to describe the key responsibilities of the Public Information Officer. Students will develop knowledge and skills necessary to perform the functions of a Public Information Officer. Students will develop and implement communications strategies effectively to the public, fire service and the media. This course meets the requirements of Fire and Life Safety Educator II defined in Chapter 6 and Public Information Officer in Chapter 7 of the NFPA 1035 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire and Life Safety Educator, Public Information Officer, and Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist – 2015 Edition.



Course Hours



Non Credit level JUST 0063 Fire and Life Safety Educator Minimum Grade of P
or Post Secondary level FIRE 1070 Fire Prot. Sys. and Pub Ed. Minimum Grade of 70

For more information, please contact Continuing Education