Field Placement Seminar 1

SSWK 2009

Course description

Based on field placement experiences, students examine and articulate their strengths and limitations with regards to their role in the placement agency. Students discuss core program concepts and theories and reflect on placement experiences to support the development of their relationship and team-building skills, planning, problem solving, and assessment skills. Furthermore, students explore social location and professional and ethical conduct consistent with the values of social service work, utilize reflective practice to develop their understanding of professional development and wellness, and continue to build on their personal portfolio of unique experiences and contributions.



Course Hours



Post Secondary level SSWK 1001 Intro to SSW Minimum Grade of 50
and Post Secondary level SSWK 1003 Princ. of Helping Relationship Minimum Grade of 50
and (Post Secondary level SSWK 1009 Field Placement Preparation Minimum Grade of 50
or Post Secondary level SSWK 1010 Field Placement Preparation Minimum Grade of 50)
and Post Secondary level SSWK 2015 Field Placement 1 Minimum Grade of P

Students registering for credit courses for the first time must declare a program at the point of registration. Declaring a program does not necessarily mean students must complete a program, individual courses may be taken for skill improvement and upgrading.

For more information, please contact Continuing Education