Policies and procedures
Review policies and procedures for Continuing Education at Georgian.
Please note, Georgian has used its best efforts to ensure that the information herein is accurate at the time of publication, recognizing that any such information is subject to ongoing review and change.
Important notice
Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology was established and is funded by the province of Ontario through the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The course listings and academic programs described in this calendar represent college-approved requirements and electives for completion of certificate, diploma and degree requirements. Georgian College has used its best efforts to ensure that the information herein is accurate at the time of publication, recognizing that any such information is subject to ongoing review and change. The college reserves the right to limit access to courses or programs, change or cancel programs, courses, timetables and campus locations at its own discretion. In such circumstances, the college undertakes, to the best of its ability, to enable students registered in affected programs to complete their diploma/certificate requirements in a satisfactory manner. Prospective students or new registrants are advised to consult the most current information available from the college before making registration decisions or course/program choices.
Georgian College staff incur no liability for loss or damages suffered or incurred by any student or third party as a result of delays in or termination or cancellations of services, courses, programs or classes by reasons of acts of God, strikes, lockouts, financial constraints, insufficient funding, insufficient enrolment or other happenings or occurrences beyond the reasonable control of Georgian College, including but not so as to limit the generality of the foregoing, cancellation or modifications of articulation agreements by third parties.
College policies and procedures
Academic Regulations
Please visit the college’s academic regulations, including details on grade appeals, progression, academic misconduct and grading systems. As a student, you’re responsible to familiarize yourself with these policies.
Student Code of Conduct
At Georgian, we all have a role to play in providing a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment. Read through our Student Code of Conduct to help ensure Georgian continues to be a great place to study.
Other important policies and procedures
Please visit Georgian’s main policies, procedures and reports webpage – including our Non-smoking Procedure, Sexual Violence Procedure and Protocol, Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Policy, and many others.
Fees and payment
Payment of fees
Full payment of course fees is made at the time of registration.
Payment is required before a seat will be confirmed. Textbooks are not included in course fees. When HST is applicable, it has been included in the course fee.
NOTE: course fees are subject to change.
Pay via credit card or Visa Debit
Register for your courses and pay online with a credit card or Visa Debit.
If you require multiple transactions within a 24-hour period to complete your course registrations, we recommend notifying your credit card provider in advance. Repeat transactions within 24 hours may be detected as fraud and impose a waiting period, preventing you from processing additional transactions.
Senior’s discounts
Seniors (60 years of age and older) receive a 10 percent discount on the tuition fee for most courses, with a minimum fee of $12 in any course. The discount applies to the tuition fee only, which doesn’t include materials, books or incidental fees. If you qualify for the discount, please contact cehelp@georgiancollege.ca before registering and provide proof of age (driver’s licence or birth certificate).
Staff discounts
Georgian College staff receive a 15 percent discount on the tuition fee for eligible courses. The discount applies to the tuition fee only, which doesn’t include materials, books or incidental fees. To access your staff discount code, please visit www.georgianalumni.ca and enter the code as displayed through the available Continuing Education perk.
Alumni discount
Georgian College Alumni receive a 15 percent discount on the tuition fee for eligible courses. The discount applies to the tuition fee only, which doesn’t include materials, books or incidental fees. To access your alumni discount code, please visit www.georgianalumni.ca and enter the code as displayed through the available Continuing Education perk.
For additional information, please contact cehelp@georgiancollege.ca
Financial Aid
For applications and information regarding eligibility for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), or to discuss award, scholarship and bursary opportunities, contact Financial Aid and Awards.
Call 705.722.1530 or email financialaid@georgiancollege.ca.
Income tax receipts
Where the course is eligible for the tuition tax credit, and the tuition fees exceed $100 in the calendar year, you can print an official receipt for income tax purposes online through your Banner or Lifelong Learning System account. The listed fees paid for courses represent total fees and includes fees other than tuition.
NOTE: Only the tuition amount is eligible for income tax purposes as per Revenue Canada guidelines. Additionally, the number of months for the education deduction portion of the T2202A only applies to credit activity.
Students in default
If you have outstanding fees, fines, emergency loans, or fail to return books/laptops to the library, or equipment owned by Georgian College, official transcripts cannot be issued and you’ll be refused registration access to subsequent semesters. If eligible, you won’t be awarded your graduation credentials until the situation is resolved.
Where there are fees outstanding to the college from previous activities, any refund will be applied to these situations.
Course refunds
Refunds will be applied to the original payment method. Where fees are outstanding to the college from previous activities, any refund will be applied to these situations.
NOTE: For up-to-date information, please refer to academic regulations.
Continuing Education (non-credit courses)
If you have questions regarding withdrawing from a non-credit (e.g. lifelong learning or professional development) course, please contact cehelp@georgiancollege.ca.
Course withdrawals
- Partial refund: Full refund LESS $30 (plus material fees where applicable) if the request is received more than seven (7) days before the course start date.*
- No refund: No refund if the refund request is submitted less than seven (7) days before course start date.
Course transfers
- You may transfer to the same course, or a different course, running at a later date as long as you submit the request to transfer a minimum of seven (7) days before the start of the course.
- If you can’t find a course at a later date that you wish to transfer into, you may request a withdrawal. Refer to the withdrawal policies listed above.
Exceptions: If you must transfer to a course running at a later date or withdraw from a course less than seven (7) days before it runs due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e., death in the family), contact coned@georgiancollege.ca to request an exception to the refund/transfer rule.
*Canine Academy courses: Full refund LESS $500 (plus material fees where applicable) if the request is received any time after four (4) weeks (28 days) of start date. You may transfer to the same course running at a later date as long as the request is submitted a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the start date of the earlier course.
Continuing Education (credit courses)
To withdraw from a credit course (courses toward an Ontario College certificate, diploma, graduate certificate or degree) and avoid having a failed grade assigned, please complete a Withdrawal from part-time courses form.
Course withdrawals
The last day to withdraw from a course is approximately two-thirds of the way through the course.
Approximate dates for credit course withdrawals:
- Fall semester: Nov. 15
- Winter semester: March 15
- Summer semester: July 15
Please check the college’s important dates listing for specific dates. Each course identifies the withdrawal deadline.
NOTE: This deadline is not to receive a fee refund. After the withdrawal date passes, you’ll be issued a final grade achieved at the point of leaving the course. Refer to our current important dates for details.
Motorcycle training
To withdraw from motorcycle training courses, please contact Jenn Martin, Manager, Motorcycle Programming to inquire about the process.
Course withdrawals
- Partial refund: Full refund LESS $100 (plus material fees where applicable) if the request is received more than seven (7) days before the section start date.
- No refund: No refund if the refund request is received less than seven (7) days before the course start date.
Course transfers
- You may transfer to the same course running at a later date as long as you submit the request to transfer a minimum of seven (7) days before the start of the course.
- If you can’t find a course at a later date that you wish to transfer into, you may request a withdrawal. Refer to the withdrawal policies listed above.
Exceptions: If you must transfer to a course running at a later date or withdraw from a course less than seven (7) days before it runs due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e., death in the family), contact Jenn Martin to request an exception to these policies.
Centre for Marine Training and Research
To withdraw from marine training courses (non-credit courses only), please contact cehelp@georgiancollege.ca.
Course withdrawals
- Partial refund: Full refund LESS 10 per cent tuition fee applied (plus material fees where applicable) if the request is received more than five (5) days before the section start date.
- No refund: No refund if the refund request is received less than five (5) days before the section start date.
Course transfers
- Full refund: Full refund if the request is received more than five (5) days before the section start date.
- No refund: No refund if the request is submitted less than five (5) days before the section start date.
Program refunds
If you’re working toward a Georgian credential (e.g., Ontario College certificate, diploma, graduate certificate or degree) and wish to withdraw from your program, you must notify the Office of the Registrar by submitting an official withdrawal form. Forms are available at all campus locations and through our online form database.
Failure to attend a course does not constitute a withdrawal. If the Office of the Registrar doesn’t receive a completed withdrawal form, a final grade based on the grade achieved at the point of leaving the course will be issued and any potential refund will be forfeited.
Refunds will be applied to the original payment method. Where fees are outstanding to the college from previous activities, any refund will be applied to these situations.
NOTE: For up-to-date information, please refer to academic regulations.
Test proctoring
Completing a course from an educational institution or through an employer that requires invigilation of a test or exam? These could include distance education courses from institutions such as Athabasca University, or professional organizations such as the Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario.
Georgian offers testing services at a number of convenient sites across Central Ontario, for a nominal fee. Visit the Testing Services webpage to learn more or find out how to schedule an external invigilation.
At the Barrie, Midland, Orillia, Owen Sound and South Georgian Bay campuses, parking fees apply. There are no parking systems at the Orangeville or Muskoka campuses.
Please visit our parking web page for details by campus and to purchase a parking pass.
Student services
Our friendly, knowledgeable student services staff are here to help support you in as many ways as possible. Whether it’s tutoring, career advice, learning strategies, speaking with a counsellor or an array of other services, we’ll provide you with access to the resources you need to be successful.
See what your support network looks like at Georgian:
Food services
Food services are available at the Barrie, Orillia and Owen Sound campuses.
For more information on dining locations, menus and hours of operation, please visit our campus food services webpage.
Employment Ontario
Academic and Career Preparation
Academic and Career Preparation (ACP) is a free, goal-directed, flexible and supportive academic upgrading program.
It accommodates the realities of daily life, while allowing you to bring your reading, writing, math and other essential skills up to a high-school level to meet eligibility requirements for entry into college or an apprenticeship.
Career and Employment Community Services
Career and Employment Community Services (CECS) assists members of the public with career plans, resumés, interview skills, cover letters and more.
These centres also provide access to computers, telephones, photocopiers, fax machines, job postings and workshops. Information on trades and apprenticeships is also available.
Questions? Contact us
Contact us
Complete our online form to connect with the Continuing Education team.