Using public transit is an efficient and cost-effective way to get to and between Georgian College campuses. There are also great options for those looking to travel to nearby cities.
On this page:
Transit options by campus
Jump to: Barrie | Midland | Muskoka | Orangeville | Orillia | Owen Sound | South Georgian Bay

Travelling inside Orillia (Orillia Transit)
Travelling to Barrie and Midland (Hammond Transportation)
Travelling to Barrie (Simcoe County LINX)
Travelling outside Orillia (GO Transit)
Travelling to Midland (Simcoe County LINX)
Travelling between Huntsville and Orillia (Corridor 11 Bus – District of Muskoka Transit)

U-Pass FAQs
Note: This section is applicable to Barrie Campus students only.
The U-Pass/transit fee provides all full-time credit students at the Barrie Campus with unlimited access to the City of Barrie transit system, including accessible transit during semesters that students are enrolled in classes.
For more information about U-Pass, check out MyGCLife and read the frequently asked questions (FAQs) below, or contact the Georgian College Students’ Association (GCSA) office by email or call 705.722.5164.
If you’re a full-time Barrie Campus student who is registered in classes, or you’re a co-op student that has purchased a pass from the GCSA, then your U-Pass should be active.
You can also see the U-Pass student transit ancillary fee in your Banner account.
Effective September 2018, all full-time credit Georgian College students will receive a Transit Pass, voted on by a student referendum. This fee is not able to be opted-out of.
A student referendum was held in March 2024 to decide whether all full-time, Barrie students would continue to pay for access to a Barrie Transit bus pass as part of their ancillary fees, and students voted to continue paying.
No. If you are an eligible Barrie Campus student, you will automatically have your U-Pass activated 24 hours after you register for classes.
If you already have your ONEcard, your U-Pass is active 24 hours after you register for your classes.
All new ONEcards will be activated 24 hours after they’ve been printed.
Your U-Pass is active until the end of the semester. The U-Pass will not re-activate until you register for classes for your next semester.
No. You must use your plastic ONEcard when using your U-Pass. To request your ONEcard, please complete the steps on our website.
If you have multiple copies of your ONEcard, only the most recent version will be active.
If you believe that you’re eligible and your card doesn’t work, please email ONEcard@georgiancollege.ca with your name, student number, the error message you received, the date/time, and the bus number.
Please note, there is a $10.80 fee for ONEcards that need to be replaced due to damage, loss or misuse.
Barrie Campus students who are registered for co-op in Banner and wish to opt into the U-Pass program can visit the Welcome Centre to purchase a pass. The opt-in deadline is the last business day of the first month of the semester.
You can show your ONEcard to purchase a monthly bus pass at a discounted student rate wherever bus passes are sold.
Please check the Barrie Transit website for a list of current locations.
No. The U-Pass sticker is no longer being issued.
Instead, all eligible students simply tap their ONEcard on the bus fare box to validate that their U-Pass is active.