A female Georgian employee wearing a branded golf shirt and holding a viewbook guiding a tour group at the Barrie Campus

Visit Georgian College

Are you ready to Experience Georgian?

Discover the many ways you can connect with us to find out more about what our campuses have to offer!

Campus video tours

Watch a video tour of our campuses to get a glimpse of what life at Georgian is all about.

Residence virtual tours

Take a virtual tour of our on-campus residences in Barrie, Orillia and Owen sound.

In-person campus tours

Private and semi-private tours

The best way to imagine yourself on campus at Georgian is to visit us in person. If you are considering applying to Georgian or have questions before you accept your offer, this tour is for you!

Other options

In addition to private and semi-private tours, we offer:

Man and woman on a campus tour

Campus maps and directions – HIDDEN

Check out our campuses. Muskoka campus Midland campus Orillia campus Barrie campus Kempenfelt Conference Centre South Georgian Bay campus Owen Sound campus Orangeville campus




In Barrie, we use the Honk mobile app to pay for hourly and daily parking.

Orillia, Owen Sound, Midland and South Georgian Bay

Georgian uses automated parking systems at the Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound, Midland and South Georgian Bay campuses.

Orangeville and Muskoka

There are no parking systems at the Orangeville or Muskoka campuses.

Upcoming events

Campus Experience Week at Georgian College

Get ready for Campus Experience Week from April 11 to 17 happening at all Georgian campuses!
Learn more and RSVP.

Campus tours

Take a guided, in-person tour
of our campuses.
Book a campus tour.

One-on-one appointments

Book a phone appointment
with a recruitment specialist.
Connect with a recruiter.

Join our mailing list

Join our email list for event updates, contest information and more.
Sign up for Georgian updates.

Connect with us

Thinking about applying to Georgian?

Book a phone appointment

If you’re exploring your study options and have questions about studying at Georgian, our friendly recruitment team is here to help. Book a phone appointment today.

Contact student recruitment team

Phone: 705.722.5152
Email: recruitment@georgiancollege.ca

Already applied to Georgian?

Admissions inquiries

If you have admissions-related questions, we encourage you to connect with the Office of the Registrar instead of contacting recruitment.

Already an accepted student?

Orientation events

If you have been accepted to Georgian and have confirmed your place, congratulations – now it’s time to get connected!