2024-25 Georgian College Board of Governors generic background

Board of Governors

The Georgian College Board of Governors is the governing body of the college, and consists of community volunteers and Georgian representatives.

About us

About the Georgian College Board of Governors

The Georgian College Board of Governors consists of 12 members, together with the President and CEO of the college, one student, one faculty member, one support staff member and one administrative staff member. One-third of its membership is appointed through the Public Sector Appointment process and two-thirds is appointed directly by the Georgian College Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors is a corporation. In a legal sense, it is the college. The board is a Schedule III Agency of the Government of Ontario and is accountable through the Minister of Colleges and Universities to the people of Ontario.

In general, a college board has the power to govern the college and in law, is responsible for the college’s activities. However, the college administration, which derives its authority from the board and is accountable to the board, manages the day-to-day activities of the college.

Position description – specific accountabilitiesGeorgian College Chevron


  • Set the college vision, strategic directions, and overall goals and outcomes within the context of the appropriate laws, government policy, and local need
  • Establish and implement the college’s purpose and mission
  • Contribute to the development and evaluation of the college Strategic Plan, Annual Report and Business Plan
  • Approve the college’s annual business plan and budget


  • Establish governance structures to enable the achievement of expected institutional outcomes with clear lines of communication and internal accountability
  • Contribute to the development of Board policies
  • Participate on Board committees and/or task forces and at a variety of college functions (for example, awards banquets, convocations), on a volunteer basis, as requested by the Board


  • Provide a link between the college and the community, and confirm and expand the college’s identity within the community
  • Advocate on behalf of the college in its efforts to secure resources


  • Hire the President and CEO, delegate to the President and CEO accountability for the performance and operation of the college, and evaluate the President and CEO’s performance


  • Provide continuity for the governance and management of the college’s affairs
  • Ensure that the college is effectively and efficiently managed
  • Attend Board meetings
  • Be informed on all Board matters, and be prepared to make decisions based on that information
  • Set the rate of progress for the college to undertake to achieve its purpose and mission
  • Ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken where expected outcomes or quality of performance is not being achieved


  • Collectively assess the effectiveness of the Board with respect to governance and the attainment of corporate goals and outcomes on a regular basis
  • Specify how the Board conceives, carries out, monitors and measures its own tasks
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of individual governors at the time of their reappointment

Georgian College mission statement

To inspire innovation, transform lives and connect communities through the power of education.

Meet the board

2024-25 Georgian College Board of Governors

Steve Lowe

Steve Lowe

Chair, Advisor, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

Mary-Anne Willsey

Mary-Anne Willsey

Past Chair, General Manager of Business Operations, Economic Development, Chippewas of Rama First Nation

Kimberley Greenwood

Kimberley Greenwood

Vice Chair, Chief of Police (ret.), Barrie Police Service

Steve Loftus

Stephen Loftus

Vice Chair, CEO, Innovative Automation Inc.

Heather Bullock

Heather Bullock

Vice President, Partnerships and Chief Strategy Officer, Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care

Kevin Collins

Kevin Collins

President and CEO, Easter Seals

Kevin Collins

Barbara Dickson

Principal ROI Human Capital Development

Kevin Collins

Courtney Duthie

Research Analyst, Institutional Research and Strategic Insights, Support Staff Representative, Georgian College

Carolyn Garvey

Carolyn Garvey

Co-President, OTTO Motors, a division of Clearpath Robotics Inc.

Jason Hunter

Jason Hunter

Professor, Design and Visual Arts, Faculty Representative, Georgian College

David Johnson

David Johnson

Secretary-Treasure, Ex-officio, Vice President, Finance and Corporate Services, Georgian College

David Johnson

Joe Johnson

President, Miller Waste Systems Inc.

Kris Menzies

Kris Menzies

Partner (ret.), MHBC Planning, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture

Bruce Stanton

Bruce Stanton

Former Member of Parliament, tourism business owner operator

Jim Williams

Becky Thivierge 

Honours Bachelor Counselling Psychology, Student Representative, Georgian College

Jim Williams

Jim Williams

Dealer Principal, Baytowne Hyundai

Kevin Weaver

Kevin Weaver

President and CEO, Georgian College

Seeking new recruits *HIDDEN SECTION*

Interested in joining the Board of Governors?

Georgian seeks applications from persons interested in assisting the college’s Board of Governors to achieve its mission, “To inspire innovation, transform lives and connect communities through the power of education.” There are three positions available with a term to commence Sept. 1, 2023. The positions consist of a three-year term with eligibility for a second term of three years.

The appointment is voluntary. To be eligible to serve on the Board, applicants must have an understanding of, and interest in, education and training issues and linkages to the labour market, good interpersonal and communication skills, and should have demonstrated service and leadership in their place of employment, and/or through community involvement.

Submit your resumé and introductory cover letter to Sarah Pendlebury, Executive Assistant to the Board of Governors via boardofgovernors@georgiancollege.ca. The closing date for this voluntary position is Feb. 8, 2023 at noon.

"SEEKING NEW RECRUITS" on a teal circle


Board meetings

Board meetings are held the last Thursday of the month, beginning at 3 p.m., with the exception of February, May, July, August and November.

Reports, plans, policies and procedures

Awards of Distinction

About the awards

Help celebrate Georgian faculty, staff, alumni and community partners who have made an outstanding contribution to the college and who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to excellence.

To learn about the awards and nomination and recognition process, please connect with boardofgovernors@georgiancollege.ca.

MORE Excellence. WHO INSPIRES YOU? Let's recognize extraordinary teams and individuals who go above and beyond in their contributions to the college.

Contact us

Sarah Pendlebury

Executive Assistant

Board of Governors
Georgian College
One Georgian Dr., Room H103
Barrie, ON L4M 3X9

Phone: 705.722.5106