Office of the President
Learn about Georgian College’s President and CEO, our Senior Leadership Team and the Board of Governors.
Meet Georgian College’s President and CEO
About Kevin Weaver
Kevin has called Georgian home since 2014. He started as Dean of Technology and Visual Arts and made an impact as Vice President, International, Workforce Development and Partnerships, and Vice President, Academic. He became President and CEO on June 20, 2022.
An ally and changemaker, Kevin champions a welcoming and inclusive teaching, learning and working environment. He’s committed to Truth and Reconciliation – reflected in many initiatives undertaken since becoming president, including revising our Coat of Arms to incorporate Indigenous elements.
Known for his collaborative approach, Kevin has built and strengthened employer, industry, government and global partnerships. He was instrumental in the launch of Georgian’s partnership with Lakehead University and the International Language Academy of Canada. He also engaged in advocacy and fundraising that resulted in the opening of the Peter B. Moore Advanced Technology Centre at the Barrie Campus, Nursing and Wellness wing in Owen Sound and transformations to the Sadlon Centre for Health, Wellness and Sciences in Barrie. These learning spaces address employer needs and are driving economic growth in Central Ontario and beyond.
Kevin supported the significant expansion of Georgian’s applied research and scholarship activity. Today, we’re one of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges. With a steadfast focus on being responsive to evolving labour market needs, Kevin also initiated and oversaw the development and launch of programs and modification of existing ones.
Highly engaged, he participates in community and sector-wide provincial and national committees. Kevin is also an active volunteer, lending his expertise on various boards of directors.
Previously, he was Acting Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Human Services at Fanshawe College, Chair of Fanshawe’s School of Information Technology, and professor and program co-ordinator at Sault College. In addition, he worked in software product management roles and as a spatial analyst. Kevin holds a Master of Science in GIS/Spatial Modeling, Honours Bachelor of Arts in Geography, and postgraduate certificate in Geographic Information Systems.

Presidential installation ceremony
Kevin Weaver was officially installed as President and CEO in a special ceremony in the Georgian Theatre on Oct. 5, 2022. He is Georgian’s sixth President and CEO since the college was founded in 1967.
After taking the oath of office, Weaver said the greatest move in his career was coming to Georgian.
I often refer to a famous quote by Nelson Mandela: ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ I believe that to my core and that’s why I am so passionate about the work we do at Georgian. I am a graduate of the Ontario college system myself – it was the missing piece I needed to find gainful employment. Now it’s truly an honour to lead as Georgian’s president. It feels like coming full circle.
Board of Governors
About the Georgian College Board of Governors
The Georgian College Board of Governors consists of 12 members, together with the President and CEO of the college, one student, one faculty member, one support staff member and one administrative staff member. One-third of its membership is appointed through the Public Sector Appointment process and two-thirds is appointed directly by the Georgian College Board of Governors.
The Board of Governors is a corporation. In a legal sense, it is the college. The board is a Schedule III Agency of the Government of Ontario and is accountable through the Minister of Colleges and Universities to the people of Ontario.
In general, a college board has the power to govern the college and in law, is responsible for the college’s activities. However, the college administration, which derives its authority from the board and is accountable to the board, manages the day-to-day activities of the college.