What to do in an emergency
When an emergency happens – such as an emergency lockdown, fire evacuation or campus closure – you’ll need to act fast. Know your options and make a plan in advance!
Emergency lockdown
Although extremely unlikely, the possibility of a violent, life-threatening incident at one of Georgian’s campuses is a reality.
Emergency lockdown procedure
The college has a Lockdown Procedure that emphasizes three courses of action:
- Get out, escape if possible
- Hide and barricade if escape is not possible
- Fight, as a last resort
This procedure is recommended by emergency planning experts and police, and is adopted by many other postsecondary institutions in Canada.
Quick reference sheet
We’ve also created a quick reference sheet that all students, staff and visitors should reference during a violent incident. Its purpose is to provide direction on how to respond during any incident in which a lockdown might reduce damage, injury or death. This procedure provides general principles and guidance.
Practise drills and self-directed learning exercise
Georgian holds regular emergency drills, including lockdown drills, throughout the year. We also encourage you to take the time to complete a self-directed learning exercise so you’re ready and prepared for the challenges of an emergency situation.
Emergency lockdown resources:
Fire evacuations
Please familiarize yourself with the location of manual fire alarm stations, fire extinguishers and building exits at your campus to avoid confusion when a fire emergency arises.
If you discover smoke or fire:
- Leave the area immediately
- If safe to do so, close all doors and windows, but don’t lock them
- Warn others in your area to evacuate
- Sound the fire alarm by pulling a manual pull station (located at most exits)
- Call campus security at 705.722.4000 to provide details of the exact location of the smoke/fire
- Follow guidelines for fire evacuation below
If you hear a fire alarm:
- Evacuate immediately; don’t assume it’s a drill as all tests/drills are pre-announced
- If safe to do so, close all doors and windows; don’t lock
- Evacuate using the closest designated emergency exit and stairwell; don’t use the elevators
- Use an alternate exit if you encounter smoke or fire
- Move at least 30 metres away from the building, leaving clear access for emergency services
- Don’t re-enter the building until authorized by the fire department or Campus Safety Services
- If you have mobility issues (e.g., you require the use of a wheelchair) move to an area of refuge at the top of a stairwell, well off to the side to allow those evacuating to continue to exit the building. Tell as many people as possible that you’re there and will require the assistance of security or attending emergency personnel
- Never try to carry a person in a wheelchair down the stairs unless they’re in imminent or extreme danger

Fire evacuation resources:
Campus closures
Weather can impact driving conditions and operations at Georgian’s campuses. We’re committed to keeping our campuses and locations open, except in extreme circumstances.
How will I know if my campus is closed?
In the rare instance we close a campus, we’ll communicate via:
- Georgian email account
- Safe@Georgian app
- a recorded message when you call campus
You may also hear about closures on local radio stations. Please monitor more than one communication channel.
What if it’s not safe to travel to campus?
If the risk is too great to travel, take responsibility for your personal safety and make a sound decision based on your circumstance.
Notify your instructor and work with them to achieve any missed course or learning outcomes.
If a campus is closed on a scheduled exam date, the Registrar’s Office and your academic area will reschedule the exam to a suitable date and time.

Campus closure resources:
Emergency Response Guide
Georgian recognizes the potential safety, operational, financial, strategic and reputational risks associated with a critical incident and the importance of effective emergency management and strategic business continuity.
To learn what to do during an emergency at Georgian, please refer to our Emergency Response Guide. It provides clear instructions for the most likely types of emergencies such as fire, severe weather or lockdown.
Continuity of Education Plan
During a serious or protracted academic program disruption, Georgian is prepared to immediately move to remote learning models for all academic programs, and will institute plans to facilitate the continuation or recommencement of mandatory in-person labs. These are outlined in the Continuity of Education Plan.

Safe@Georgian app
Keep us in your pocket! The Safe@Georgian mobile app provides quick and easy access to emergency contacts, support resources and much more.
App features
- One touch connection to local police, campus security, safety escort request line, conflict resolution, and mental health and well-being supports
- Mobile Blue Light will send a ping with your location to security and provide your phone number so they can contact you when you are not feeling safe
- Campus maps
- Important notifications (e.g., lockdown, fire, unscheduled campus closures, etc.)
- Sexual violence resources and information
- Report suspicious activity

Contact us
Have a general question about emergency planning at Georgian?
Please email us at ohs@georgiancollege.ca or call 705.722.1586.
For further information, you can contact: