First Year Experience
Your Georgian College experience begins here!
Whether you’re attending Orientation, preparing for day one, or navigating through your first year, we’re here to provide a warm welcome and transition programming to support your experience as a new student.
Orientation and transition programs
Welcome to Georgian! We’re very happy to have you join the Georgian family and begin your studies.
Whether you’re studying in person, remotely, or a combination of the two, we hope you’ll have a great year! Orientation and transition programs aim to help you successfully transition and prepare you for your college experience.

Pre-Orientation activities
Head Start
Head Start is your first step to success! This is our pre-Orientation programming where you’re able to connect and engage with Georgian services, supports and resources to assist in your success. The recordings will be live on MyGCLife at the conclusion of each Head Start for your viewing.
Head Start for Winter 2025 students will be held virtually December 9 – December 12, 2024!
Date | Time (EST) | Title of Session | Join Link |
9-Dec | 9:00 a.m. | Welcome to Head Start | Join Here |
9-Dec | 9:30 a.m. | Get to know your GCSA | Join Here |
9-Dec | 10:00 a.m. | Athletics: Know your Facility | Join Here |
9-Dec | 10:30 a.m. | Housing HQ | Join Here |
9-Dec | 11:30 a.m. | The Canadian Experience from International Perspectives | Join Here |
10-Dec | 9:00 a.m. | Speed Friending – Peer Mentors | Join Here |
10-Dec | 10:00 a.m. | Exploring Your Transition to College: Embrace the Uncertainty with Your Student Success Advisor! | Join Here |
10-Dec | 11:00 a.m. | Accessibility, MHWB & Counselling | Join Here |
11-Dec | 9:00 a.m. | Registration Preparations | Join Here |
11-Dec | 10:00 a.m. | Apps I need to know about | Join Here |
11-Dec | 10:30 a.m. | Flourishing 5 Pack | Join Here |
11-Dec | 11:00 a.m. | COMM/GNED | Join Here |
12-Dec | 9:00 a.m. | Career Success – Support & Career Planning | Join Here |
12-Dec | 10:00 a.m. | Financial Wellness | Join Here |
12-Dec | 11:00 a.m. | ONEcard | Join Here |
12-Dec | 11:30 a.m. | Debrief, questions, wrap-up | Join Here |
Key features
- Discover Registrar’s Office supports and services
- Meet your Georgian College Students’ Association (GCSA)
- Learn about student co-op experiences
- Explore international supports and services
- Find out how Georgian supports your mental health and well-being
- And so much more!
Academic Orientation
Your Academic Orientation experience is a crucial part of your start with Georgian. During this time, you’re able to take part in a variety of activities that support your success, both academically and personally.
Check out the list below for your Academic Orientation date.
NOTE: Some dates are program-specific. Please check your email or the Orientation page for information about your specific Orientation Session.
Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025
- Orangeville campus
Friday, Jan. 3, 2025
- Barrie campus
- Orillia campus
Monday, Jan. 6, 2025
- Muskoka Campus (COTE)
- Owen Sound Campus
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025
- Muskoka Campus (PNRX)
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025
- South Georgian Bay campus
Parent and supporter programming
We recognize that you’re not starting your Grizzly journey alone. Through our parent and supporter programming, we aim to connect your parents and supporters to different services and resources accessible within the Georgian ecosystem.
What programming is being offered?
At the Barrie campus, when students go to their program sessions, parents and supporters are invited to remain in the Georgian Theatre. There will be a session with support services to ask questions they may have. Folks are invited to bring questions, and we will do our best to connect them with services and answer pressing questions. We want you to feel at ease as your students attend Georgian!
Online experiences
Orientation pages on MyGCLife
Our online Orientation pages on MyGCLife are available now!
These pages include information about supports and services, outline our Head Start and Orientation schedule, the New Student Checklist, as well as student life opportunities and activities. There’s also a section dedicated to international students, with topics such as immigration, housing, insurance and cultural adjustment.
First Year Experience (FYE) Blackboard course
The Orientation team has also built First Year Experience (FYE) Blackboard modules to help you succeed as a new student! You’ll use Blackboard throughout your academic journey and it’s important that you become familiar with this online learning system. After you complete your course registration, you’ll see the FYE course in Blackboard. You’ll learn tips and tricks on how to ace your courses, get involved in the Georgian community, and thrive as a new student. This quick course is your roadmap to first-year success.
Peer Mentors: What we do!
Peer Mentors are upper-year Georgian students who play a pivotal role in building community, a sense of belonging and connection at Georgian, and empower students to flourish through their first-year experience at college and beyond.
Now more than ever, students are connecting with their peers for support, highlighting the incredible importance of building a strong foundation and sense of virtual community among students early in their academic journey.
Peer Mentors are Georgian students who:
- Foster community and a sense of belonging on campus
- Build trusting and supportive relationships
- Facilitate peer-to-peer discussion and connection
- Role model student behaviour and integrity
- Provide referrals and resources for students
- Promote leadership and professional development opportunities

What our mentors and mentees have to say about the program
Want a Peer Mentor? Apply to be a mentee!
As a mentee (first-year or new student), you’ll be matched with one of our awesome mentors who will support you through your transition to college, inform you of all the great services and supports Georgian has to offer, and provide opportunities for you to connect with other peers!
Get involved: Maximize your first-year experience
The best way to maximize your first-year experience is to immerse yourself into everything Georgian has to offer! We have a variety of student clubs, volunteer opportunities and workshops available to students. Here are a few ways to get involved:
- Participate in Head Start, Academic Orientation and day one of classes to ensure you start off your experience right!
- Complete the FYE Blackboard course to get familiar with Georgian supports and services.
- Peer Mentor program – Apply for a peer mentor and connect with an upper-year student to support you through your transition to Georgian.
- Join a club – Check out the variety of clubs offered at Orientation and during Clubs Week.
- Be a changemaker! – Georgian’s Centre for Changemaking and Social Innovation (CCSI) provides experiential learning opportunities, skill development, teamwork and networking that will inspire you to influence social change in your community.

Common Questions (FAQs)
Of course! Many of our campus partners come out to celebrate and welcome you to Georgian! There are events and activities planned, as well as opportunities to win swag and more. We want to ensure you experience everything Georgian has to offer.
Yes! You’ll have the opportunity to meet your program co-ordinator, review program and student expectations, as well as ask any questions you have regarding your academic choices.
Each program will have an academic program session to participate in. More information will be provided in your campus orientation schedule (released a few weeks before the start of the semester).
There are many amazing support options Georgian has to offer including various academic resources and social/emotional supports and services. Check out our Guide for New Students for more details!
You can also follow many of our different Georgian social media accounts, check out the graphic below for more information.

List of Instagram accounts to consider following:
- Georgian College – @georgiancollege
- First Year Experience – @fyegeorgiancollege
- Library – @georgiancollegelibrary
- Georgian Grizzlies – @georgiangrizz
- ONEcard – @georgianonecard
- GCSA Barrie – @gcsa_barrie
- GCSA Orillia – @gcsaorillia
- GCSA Owen Sound – @gcsaowensound
- GCSA Orangeville – @gcsaorangeville
- Muskoka Campus – @georgianmuskoka
- South Georgian Bay Campus – @gcsouthgeorgianbay
- Midland Campus – @georgianmidland
- Peer Mentors – @peermentorsgc
- Changemaking at Georgian – @changemakeratgeorgian
- Segal International Centre – @icgeorgian
- Mental Health and Well-being – @mhwbgc
Georgian values excellence, community engagement, integrity, inclusion and sustainability. As a new student in our community, it is expected that you represent these values in all aspects of your student journey.
Definitely! Georgian College is committed to improving access to all college premises, facilities and services at all campuses. If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility while attending our orientation programming or student events, please email orientation@georgiancollege.ca.
All students are able to access their student systems and orientation resources after they have confirmed their offer to a Georgian program.
- Full time students: You’ll have received a confirmation letter or letter of acceptance identifying your login details and default password. These login details will work for all of you student systems.
- Part-time students: who have registered for individual courses through Continuing Education: You’ll receive this initial password to the preferred email provided after completing Georgian’s student number application.
If you have forgotten your login or password, please reset your password using the password management service or contact IT Support.
Photo Gallery
Contact us
We’re here to help you navigate campus, learn more about student services, find a peer mentor or get involved with events, programming and activities on campus.
Barrie Campus
Email: Email the Orientation team
Location: Room K207
Midland Campus
Muskoka Campus
Email: Michelle Kennedy
Location: Room 128
Orangeville Campus
Email: Stacey MacNeil
Location: Room 127
Orillia Campus
Email: Gail Hudson
Location: GCSA office, A111
Owen Sound Campus
Email: Danielle Barlow
Location: GCSA office, D102